To start this off I want to say thanks to my friend overseas, your tag today made me laugh, I've been needing those laughs lately. I think I'm getting a pumpkin lover rep, another person I used to work with sent me the same picture this evening. LOL I do love pumpkin, and things with actual pumpkin in them. Not all the pumpkin spice, as those are what folks call the fall / winter spices. I like them in scent also. They are cozy, warm and yes, sexy. So thank you my overseas dear friend for the giggle.
Sis, I can't say enough, you know how I feel. It's so cool when you find someone as crazy as you. Someone who can tell you like it is. I appreciate you more than words. Muah!!!
Okay so the title of this blog, the truth. We all say we want it, but do we really? At this point in time I can truthfully say yes. I'm tired of jumping, worrying, wondering. I'm tired of not having money, I'm tired of getting ill. I'm tired of not feeling pretty anymore. I'm just fuckin tired of feeling like the poor relative that people shut their lights when they see them coming up the walk to their homes. There - that's the truth.
Truth - I'm tired of crying more than laughing
Truth - I'm tired of having to put on a happy face all the time
Truth - I feel if I don't do that, some people will not bother to speak to me, people have their own shit ya know?
Truth - I hate that I fucked up in the past, with people, with situations.
Truth - I hate that I have a hard time not being like that little yippy dog that means well but ends up annoying
Truth - I love my husband
Truth - I love my family
Truth - I love my true friends
Truth - I'd love to give my friends everything they've dreamed of, oh me too of course. Lol Those Astins, Jaguars, musical instruments (hehe), vacations would be scratched out of many bucket lists.
Truth - I know this seems like a phishing ploy for compliments, but it's not. It's the TRUTH!
I can also say:
Truth - I have more than many, a roof over my head, love , food, warmth
Truth - I am pretty, I'm just feeling a bit depressed and that's okay
Truth - I'm strong, I will get through this
Truth - in a year ( or less hopefully) finances will get better and I can get the wolves off my doorstep
Truth - I will then be able to pay back all the help I was given
So there you have it, the truth. We all have our truths, I want my friends to know they can trust me with their truths. So this soppy sausage is going to say good night. Sweet dreams, good morning. :-D
Ciao For Now