Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Monday Musings Have Turned To Tuesdays Post

     So here I sit at my desk at 10 in the morning.  My bed this morning was so comfy that I did not want to get out of it.  The weather is dreary and rainy. I say and rainy and rain doesn't bother me, I like it, but the dreary part is a totally different subject.  Dreary is almost a state of mind, its definitely a multiple cups of tea day.  ANYWAY...... not a thing really is going on. I think that's good though.  Just your basic chill weekend, cleaning the house, laundry, etc, etc.  We did go out to dinner on Saturday night. Thats it really I will be back LOL 

     Okay I am back even though it's Tuesday. HA! Well I guess perhaps its good that life has gotten low key, I tell you I've said it before and I've said it again. having no money has got me budgeting and that is a good thing. They said it would never happen  LOL  So since yesterday I did find out a bit of news, sad news unfortunately. You know I bitch and moan about my job and I am looking now for a new one but I was informed that one of the employees (don't know who or where he is located) committed suicide and blamed the company for it in his note.  OMFG!! That poor soul, to be that distraught that the only out they can think off is to end it all.  I never joke about this, its a serious topic.  usually you don't notice it in those that will really do it. I've walked in on a friend who tried to off himself, wrists cut, blood all over. Thank the heaven he survived and is thriving today. I couldn't be more pleased but imagine if he had succeeded years back. I guess if I'm saying anything about it it is the fact that if you feel this bad, please don't kill yourself. It can get better, we must hold onto that thought always. Thinks like this hit me hard, few things do, this is one. That's why I always try to see how those I care about are doing and to assure them I am there if they need me. Even if its just to be a person on the other end of the phone or facetime so they know someone is there and cares.  
     Change horses in mid stream here. They seem to be hiring people in my office, I have no idea why. Im sure we will find out soon enough. The company is splitting into two divisions, and hell I am not even sure what side I will be put on. Rebel Alliance or Empire   BWAHAHAHAHA  I know my choice :-D     Well anyway, another 2+ hours and work is over, then its out to dinner with the hubs. Its that Cracker Barrel place, its decent, I mean its no 5 star michelin place but its inexpensive, good portions (enough to bring the extra for lunch tomorrow) and comfortable family low key place. 

I found this pic and I love this sentiment 

Imagine what if..... I mean we touch others lives, and they touch ours, I have learned so much from others and hope, that in my life I have brought a smile to someone, or helped them in some way. Its beautiful to think that you touched a life, I thank those I know who have touched mine. I will always remember them and hope there is more to come. 
Random thought -  I can't wait for NY in a few weeks  LOL    :-D  I'm so weird  MUAH !!!!
Ciao For Now Peeps 

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