Maybe Sunday morning is a good time for reflection. I'm just thinking and that's never a good thing. Lol all in all I'm good, few things still annoy me, things in regards to Facebook for one. But that's social media and not life, so I'm actually pretty much over it. Besides its not malicious, it's just my take so it's my issue. One friend who's been on, whom I've known for over 25 years never even mentioned my being in hospital. I'm not saying I want people fawning over me, it's nothing like that, but not even a hey, how are you feeling might be nice. Anyway....
I was a bit concerned as my legs and feet have been very swollen and I'm holding water. I went to my Weight Watchers meeting yesterday and gained .8 of a pound. OH THE HORROR! I know that's nothing really but I was decent all week, well I did eat a donut. Okay 2! But they are Duck Donuts (company name look them up) hot out of the oven and divine. Not an everyday occurrence. Well I looked at my meds and the 20mg of Xarelto I am taking I was supposed to start tomorrow, the 15mg I was taking when I left the hospital was supposed to last until then. They didn't. Seems I was taking them 2x a day and I was only supposed to take one a day. My own stupitidy. Hopefully all will right itself now. This morning my legs and feet are not swollen, good sign.
I am liking my look lately. So do others it seems. I got several crude requests after I put it on Instagram. Seriously, it's not like I'm a size 6. Okay I like how I look in it, it suits me, and of course I like compliments (nice change for me) but I'm not about the crude blatant sex requests. I'm not a prude, gods know, but there is a finesse and of course the person behind the requests matters a great deal as well. Some random chappie is not par for the course.
Well I DID get my fruit basket this week. LMAO my manager was so apologetic and I think I mentioned this already. Lol well there is this ginormous pineapple in it, so today methinks it's time to grill some pineapple. Also thinking a trip to the market to see if I can find a ripe mango and make some pineapple mango salsa. It will go well with the chicken I'm planning on cooking this week.
Time to go great the world. Had a great lazy morning. Slept in until 10am. FABULOUS!! Had a lovely breakfast of yogurt with granola and fruit, now I'm showered and ready to show my face. Lol
So ciao for now peeps
Okay it's now almost 8pm. I did a few odds and ends and have just taken another shower. It was so very hot and sticky today, I just needed to cool off. Would have loved to go into a pool, but alas, there is none. We ate light tonight. I made cole slaw, I use raw honey and light mayo. So it has way less sugar and fat plus I don't laden it down with mayo so it's still nice and crisp and refreshing. I prepared turkey sandwiches. Nothing special, but I tell you. At our meeting yesterday it was discussed that we should actually enjoy our food. I do enjoy my food, that's the problem lol. I enjoy food too much. Hahaha. I did use this new bread though. Called Ezekiel bread. It contains ancient grains. Quiana, Spelt, Barley, Amaranth etc. very dense bread. So I toasted it, placed my broiled turkey breast plus a few thin slices of sharp cheddar cheese. The piled on lettuce, tomatoes, carrot slices, radishes. Thin layer of sweet hot honey mustard and took a bite. WOW. So good! About 2 spoonfuls of cole slaw and iced tea. Grapes for dessert. Diet? Don't think so. Was so yummy and I ate a sandwich .....while watching my weight. Glorious. I get bored easy, this helps me not get bored. I'm not going to go on and on about weight as that gets boring very quickly. Just pleased when something new (the bread) tastes good.
Spoke (well texted) with my friends son, well he's my friend too. They had an excursion to Amsterdam to play football. From what I saw posted on Facebook, they did very well. Kudos boys. He's a good lad, he will go far. I just know it. He has a good mom and dad, they raised him well.
I'm thinking it almost time to put on the kettle, a nice cup of tea while the storm goes on outside. Thunder booming, and lightning putting on a show, love it!! I bought new slacks for work, very excited. They are white, fit well but damn it they are too long. I even bought petite length. Sigh. Well at least they fit well. I can get a few other colors for work at least. Just need to hem them. No shock there. Lol
So peeps, I'm going once again. Have a fantastic Monday. Ciao For Now
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