Thursday, April 30, 2015

Making Up For Lost Blogs

     Does seems like it eh?  Lol.
     Well just now, I was on Pinterest. I saw some amazing pieces of old Victorian dressing tables. I simply melt at the thought of having a dressing, or if you'd rather, make up table. I often look at things like this. This does not mean I'm against woman being equal, or getting paid less, far from it. I think people who do the same work should get the same pay, it's just that my sex, in their quest for equality may have lost something along the way. Don't think badly of me, it's just that femininity is not always in the front line. Looking at these pics, it makes me a little wistful. There was something so appealing. Sitting at the dressing table in a pretty dressing gown. Prepping for your evening. Brushing your hair and applying rouge, then perfume behind each ear. Applying your lipstick and putting the pearls your man gave you for your birthday. Silly I know, but there is nothing wrong with getting prettied up for the man you love. Men did this too. They were well dressed and groomed. My dad has pics of his friends and him when they were only about 16 or 17. They were in suits. He said they always hot dressed when they went off. Now I'm not saying to wear a suit if you're going bike riding. But what happened to taking a little time to look nice. When I used to meet my boyfriend, lover whatever you call him, once this was actually a relationship, I always tried to have myself groomed, nails done, hair done. I tried at least, so when the no make up moments came about it was okay. Believe me it's not always easy to look my best. I can be scary. Lmao
Another thing I actually love to do is cook for my hubs, making foods he likes. It makes me happy and when I wasn't working, I used to have dinner ready for when he got home. Not always with candles on the table but again it was what my mom taught me growing up. I love having dinner parties and watch friends enjoying my culinary offerings.
     There was something about the past that seemed romantic. Even in the accoutrements that would be on the dressingt table, or dining table. Furniture too. They were intricate in design, people put some of themselves into each piece. Oh I sound dumb, of course I'm speaking of upper middle class. Those times were extremely hard for poor folks back then, and personally if I ever could go back in time, I'd have to have money and an air conditioner. Definitely an air conditioner:-D
     Then I love modern time as well. I love the convenience of modern cleaning appliances, cars, technology and of course air conditioners. Hehe. The thing is to incorporate the passion into what you do. Put some of yourself into all you do. As the saying goes - Do it with passion or not at all.  I'm realizing this more and more. So friends my wistfulness has been penned. I'll let you know the day I get my dressing/make-up table. I know you'll be waiting. Lmao.  So until next time. Ciao For Now

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