Monday, February 23, 2015


  Why is it so funny to make fun of fat people?  I really am curious. I see it all over, and I'm really wanting to know. I see it all the time, calling us lazy, stupid and smelly? Really, smelly? You sniff every fat person? Let's address that first. Being fat, the majority of fat people, probably smell better than many thin people. Especially as a female, I am very aware of how I smell. I shower, use deodorant, shave my accepted body hair. Wear perfumes or body sprays. So I don't think I stink. If I'm doing something that ends in this result, I shower. I have stood next to some very stinky skinny people. So don't judge me.
Next stupid? How the fuck does your size determine if you are intelligent? Not even going into it, as it's too stupid to waste time. (See what I did there? Lol) so don't judge me! 
Lastly, lazy. Now maybe I'm not out running marathons (maybe one day......little ones {grin}) but I'm not lazy. I clean my home, I go to work, I'm carrying the load right now. I go to the mall, go to the gym. Okay not enough as I should I admit. I'd like to go cycling when the weather is nicer, play some disc golf with hubs in the sun. But I'm not lazy, so don't judge me! 
I am human like everyone of you. With so much in this world to fear, want to change, to help. Why degrade yourself by foolishly labeling me and others like me. Walk in my shoes, look through my eyes, feel what's in my heart. I PROMISE you will feel things you never imagined. You will see how strong I really fucking am. So sit on your thrones and look down on me. Then watch as I surpass every limit you foolishly put on me. I am me, love me or don't
So please answer my question, I posed at the start of this blog. I really want to know. 
Ciao for now. 

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