Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Years Eve

     Well good-bye 2014. All in all, an okay year, not great though. Didn't see some people nearly enough, not even close to enough. Did get to see my NY peeps which is great. I got to England, (and Paris) AMAZING, BRILLIANT, LIFE ALTERING!!   Those are highlights. This coming year, I plan on traveling more once hubs gets a job and my money is somewhat my own. Part of it anyway. I would like to make use of my passport again, even if it's Canada. California is a very good possibility, as one of my hubs' cousins is getting married in October. I love the idea, they are in San Diego, lots of cool things that way. Maybe a quick trip up the coast to Big Sur or Carmel. It's nice to visit, lived there years ago. I'm an east coast girl for sure. Cali, was okay, but not a full time gig, northern CA maybe if pressed.
     Hoping to hook up in NYC with some of my England friends this year, share drinks, food, laughs, craziness. Yes yes lovely. (Hoping a lot)  hanging with my girlies would be awesome. Spa weekends and trips to other states maybe.
      Also once hubs get a job, I'm looking for a new one. I'm wasted here, and I have talents I can't use. I need a job where I can show my strengths.
     I wish all those I hold dear, a very happy, healthy, prosperity's year. I wish beauty to surround you, good times and fun. Of course I want to be included in some of these. Needy Baggins that I am. Lmfao
      I'm tired, it's late, and I need to moisturize. So I will be back tomorrow. I hope to see some cool pics, if your on FB stop by my page, or not. Hahaha. Until next we meet, ciao for now

Monday, December 29, 2014

Happy Birthday Daddy

     Today my dear old man, turns 87. I'm not young, but I truly could be a lot older. Mom and Dad were well on their way to 40, when herself turned up. Lol I resemble my dad quite a bit. My Da used to love telling me that when I was born, he and a few other new dads were looking at the babies, behind the viewing glass. Yep, I guess they really did that, I don't really remember, so I'll take dad's word for it. He told me that the nurse picked me up and pointed right to my dad. I was a daddy girl, I admit it. Dad would alwYs take me out on Sundays while mom made our big Sunday macaroni dinner. Yes, grandparents, cousins. I was underfoot as I wanted to be included, ya know, help. (Wow, not much has changed lmfao) so dad would take me to this kiddie amusement park called McGuiness. I'd go on rides for a few hours, then dad would take me home. Movies were another treat. As I got older, I went over to the Mom side. Hell, she had cookies, :-) and recipes and we shared a love of decorating and houses. As I got older, and is watched my dad go through the loss of his mother, his sister and brothers and of course my mother. I realized this man, was strong, he held 2 jobs when I was growing up so I could attend a good school. We had a nice house, a car, summers at the shore. I never wanted for anything. Silent guardian of 221st street. I also noticed how lost he was when my mother died. He cried in church that day, I never saw him cry before. It rattled me, he cried several times after. I was scared he wouldn't want to go on. Life though has a way go going on. He worked it out and now he is enjoying life again. I go see him as often as I can, and he now tells me stories of his youth. Some are typical New York City stories. Turning the fire hydrants on as his sister and her friends walked by. Sleeping on the fire escapes. Telling his mom he was sleeping at a friends house, then they all slept overnight under the boardwalk at Coney Island. Scandal I tell ya. Hahaha my dad was so normal, such a fun loving kid. Then I find out, he ate dog food without knowing it. Lol so many stories. Odd, all my life I thought I was more like my mother and I'm finding out I'm so much like my dad. That's okay though, he's a pretty cool guy.  Until next time, love your dad's. Ciao For Now.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

It Starts Early

     This morning I woke up about 4 in the morning, made myself go back to sleep, but by 6, I was awake. I've been under the weather for the last few days, and been asleep by 10pm. As I stepped out onto the deck I noticed a few neighbors still had their Christmas lights on. Growing up, the last person to go to bed turned out the lights. So it was usually me. Lol Looking at them glowing through the morning fog, I smiled and admired the pretty colors. So off to my car Tink to get some morning caffeine.  Then filled the tank with gas, took a bit of a drive to get some fresh air, as 8am wax rolling around, I went and got breakfast for us. Hubs got a steak, egg&cheese on an onion bagel, I got vanilla yogurt with berries and granola. This from a little bagel cafe near home. It's not NY bagels but they are very tasty and the owners are really nice. And it's not expensive, bonus!
     I brought our breakfast feast home, then ended up going back to sleep. Took some meds and they knocked me out. I'm working all this week, so I have to get there, no time for sick. Weird timing, after Christmas but before New Years. Hope everyone is doing something great. I'm going to a brunch on the 4th with some co-workers. Looking forward to that. I'm truly looking forward to NYC the weekend after. I may take a day or two extra to spend some time with dad. Maybe a bit of baking too.
      Well peeps, tonight, I colored my own hair, and did my own nails. Not bad if I do say so myself. It's a way I can keep my expenses down.
      I'm very boring lately, but I'm thinking of you. I see my friends antics on Facebook and have a giggle. Great parties, and trees and gifts. So glad everyone enjoyed their Christmas's. At least it seems so. Mine as well. Wearing my handmade quilt over me right now. Toasty warm.
     Off to bed for this rough feeling gal. Have a great night and great day. Ciao For Now

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas

     I am truly loving seeing all the photos on Facebook of all the trees and the parties and gifts. It warms my heart. Thanks to all of you for sharing them. Next year I will add to these. New post Friday at some point. Ciao For Now

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Christmas Post I Promised

     Christmas Eve is upon us. As usual I find my memories taking over. My mother loved Christmas, she got me loving it too, I still do. I remember midnight mass and Christmas corsages. God they were so big, but uber cool, with mini ornaments and bells. I loved the funny ones, like the one of Santa with the nose that lit up when you pulled the string. I still think of my Mom trimming the tree every time I hear the song It's Beginning To Look A lot Like Christmas. I still shed a tear when I hear  O Holy Night , my grandmothers favorite song.  I gave tried, but as soon as I hear that hymn I get weepy. Grandma was awesome at Christmas. She had so many traditions. Some Mom did with her, others I did. I remember one of them was washing your face with Christmas snow would make your skin beautiful.  May have been something to that as Nona had great skin. Lol 
     Staying up all night cooking with the bayberry candle burning in the sink. Oh yes the bayberry candle. A staple every year. I remember them well. They sold them at school every year, along with other candles and wrapping paper. They looked the same every year. A glass holder that looked like a glass you would make a hurricane or zombie in. Filled with bayberry wax. The outside had green, or red, or hold glitter. Holly was wrapped around the stem.  Had to burn it in the sink as it burned all night long. This way if the cat tipped it over it would go out and not cause harm. 
     Washing all the "good china" because it came out for it's yearly display. It was my mothers wedding china. It's mine now and by some miracle hubs likes it. Bonus!!! :-)  these plates and serving bowls held more food than anyone could ever finish in one meal. I'm talking full house with a kids table. 25 people to cook for, and get the house ready for. I polished the furniture and wrapped garland around the bannister. Our home was truly a Christmas masterpiece of holiday decor. It always seemed so bare when the decorations came down. 
       Decorations strung across the Main Street in our town, and Mom taking me to Macy*s or Gertz to see Santa. Real tinsel on our tree, that always seemed to make the cat look like a pull toy ( not explaining that, but if you know , you know lol) we used those stencils that you sprayed with white paint on the windows to look like snow. And SNOW! Yes it seemed to snow back then.  It may be my mind playing tricks on me. It was a fairyland back then. I loved every minute of it.  Dad always sat in his chair after midnight mass and have a beer and cigar, looking very Archie Bunker. Mom and Nonna had ammaretto
and as I hot older it switched from ginger ale to ammaretto for me too. Awesome memories.
It seemed simpler, but it wasn't. It was just family and friends and lots of love.  With all the unrest going on in this world, I wish you all find a bit of peace and joy with loved ones and friends. Ciao For Now

The Alarm Is Shut, Whoo Hoo

    Two days off, no alarm, no nasty people on the phones. Just relaxing, slow easy morning with hubs, making a lovely breakfast. Thinking soft boiled eggs, whole grain toast, coffee and juice. Biscuits if hubs prefers. So easy to make. So maybe I've just decided. Being decent eating, but truthfully not as good as it seems. Lately if it goes past me, it ends up in my mouth. Gym on Saturday, but writing new gym schedule for after Chrimbo. See, I'm hoping now that Katie left, oh yeah, we're down one person now, that I maybe can get the 8 to 4:30 schedule. This would help in two ways. I can hit the gym after work and still get home close to the time I do now, or I would get out early enough if I wanted to get a second job. It's a thought I've had, but my current hours are falling short of what I need to start a second job. Plus being the one in closing shift, I do not leave at 6 on the dot. More times than not I'm out of there, quarter past or half past 6. This can hurt if I need to be somewhere by 7. We shall see what happens. Unemployment will start soon I hope for hubs so that will ease things a bit.
     Back to my original start, yay no work AND Christmas. Will spend Thursday with in laws, then home for a night of cuddles and the Christmas Doctor Who special. Yes the geek comes out.  Lmao today was good albeit busy. I got a really funky hoodie from my managers. It says " You can take the girl out of NY but you can't take the NY out of the girl". True words.
     Had a giggle with a co- worker today. A ex spouse called yesterday to report the death of her ex because she was helping out the current spouse who didn't speak English well. So my work friend got her on the phone and then he said that must be a bit awkward. Husband, spouse and ex. I was saying, maybe they all get along. Then my evil sarcastic side comes out, I say maybe he offed himself, with the spouse screaming in one ear while the ex screams in the other, he figured death was better. Oh so horrible I know and I did say may he RIP. But I know somewhere I got a check next to my name. Lol seemed like they both cared and then we started talking on how we would like to be remembered. I'd like people to remember me fondly. When overseas, my friend was relaying a memory of a relative. You could see from the misty look his eyes had and the half smile, he was reliving a lovely person and great memories. I really would like to think someday, someone would have that same look while remembering me. I have some I will remember that way for sure.
     Seems we have one of those Mary tangent, all over the place blogs. Of course, there's no work tomorrow :-) ah the magick of Yule/Christmas .   I found some pannetone wrappers to bake these gorgeous Italian Christmas breads. They have raisins, orange peel, stand tall. I have a recipe I want to try. I think I'm going to. Use a select few as guinea pigs. BWAHAHA to whom will they go??? We will see. Cookies are being made as well - yes gym on Saturday.
    Well again I end the musings and wish you all a good night or good morning. Ciao For Now

Monday, December 22, 2014

I hate customs - lol

I swear I got so angry this morning. I know I should let it go, and everyone but me is being amazingly cool, but well, I'm sorry. I specifically asked if customs charges would apply. I was told no if the amount us under $100.00. Believe me it was. Today I hear there was a customs charge. BUGGER!! I listened and looked to try and find things I thought would work. I'm embarrassed. I will make it up when I'm not so skint. Which I'm hoping will be soon.
     Tonight was kababs, yes I said kababs. I give in, and now call them kababs and not kabobs. The new restaurants call them that. He was right....AGAIN! Grrrrr. Lmao
So happy not having to cook. We have been so busy, I think I went to the toilet once today. Seriously, the questions these people are asking. Hey tell me about the new vacation policy, oh you mean the one we got the emails about in JULY!! Ugh! But it does make the day go fast, I'd rather be busy. That's all I'm in for tonight peeps. Still in a positive mood, just what's going on with the police being attacked, it makes me sad. But I've got to believe, the good will win.
Sweet dreams or good morning peeps, until next time, ciao for now.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Well That Was Really Good.

     Happy Winter Everyone!! From this point on the days will get longer, which always made me smile as it seems we get most of our snow after the new year. I have good feelings for the new year, it's been so fucking long since I felt truly positive. Funny thing is, I'm not sure why, but it's a great change.   I think it's because I had a nice chat with hubs tonight, we discussed the future and what possible outcomes we may have. He's talked about us getting an apartment and then a duplex condo, or at least two bedrooms and a den. As you all know, I'm not fond of my current home and this thought of a new place with granite countertops and a soaking tub appeals greatly. Then of course, we spoke about moving back to NY if need be. I would love that, but I know hubs would not be thrilled. He knows he needs to find a job soon. He looks every day, and only recently has started getting results. An interview last week, that went well enough but they are not making any decisions until after the new year. He also got two call backs, both from recruiters who had more questions for him, as they both had jobs they are trying to get lined up for him. So fingers and toes crossed. He said he will call the mortgage company to see if we can skip a month for January. My friend at work did this and we have auto pay, so we've not missed a payment in 10 years. This does not count the fiasco with the small second loan, but those close to me know that hell. Oy vey. So hopefully there is light at the end of this tunnel. 
     I've decided I need new earbuds. So as soon as the account goes up, a few months from now, I will get them. How random am I? Hehe Hey, I know I can be a brat, but I know when I can shop and when I can't. Things will come, just need to work a bit more at it, and I'm fine with that.  One thing I will work harder on is me, 2015 changes started late this year. Eye opening situations that made me realize I must change certain things in my life. Perhaps this was solidified tonight, new stirrings going on, that will produce new fruit so to speak. Bit exciting, bit scary as hell. That's how you know you're alive though, get that adrenaline pumping. Right?  
      Well I'm going to get myself settled in, tea is steeping and will be gratefully consumed. I've sent a request speaking of tea. But that's a private matter, was just a thought that escaped me. :-D God I love the stuff. Lmao. Until next blog peeps. Ciao for now.

Merry Solstice and other stuff

     I am sitting here in my robe, just having had my cleaning bath for my ritual tonight. I will be using my favorite incense tonight. It's the Amethyst from the jeweled collection by Shoyeido. It's japanese and very delicate compared to most incensed that I find rather overpowering at times. Especially indoors. I like that it's all incense too, no stick. I have a pretty holder for this as well. It's called balance and it's divine. Lol it's as much a part of tonight as my candle, my pine tree little limb, me. My names of those I will remember, present and past along with hopes of what's to come.  Along with this, one might also mention things they want to change and drop about themselves.  Believe me. I have several of those. :-D. I just wanted to pop in and say hello. Not much went on this weekend on a personal level. Good.  Just trudging along. No drama is a good thing.
     My friends I love you. Just in case I haven't said it a hundred times lmao. Ciao for now.

I Heard The News Today Oh Boy

     My heart is saddened tonight. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of two innocent police officers, on overtime no less. Just sitting in their car and some idiot walks up and pops them both in the head. The killer put it on his twitter and Facebook. Saying that tonight he was giving some pigs their wings. He then ran to the train station and killed himself.  What the hell is happening?  You have people like, Al Sharpton bringing race relations back to the 60's, the president basically saying he agrees by letting that hate monger through the White House doors, professional basketball players wearing tee shirts supporting a person who was a thief. Look there are good cops, there are bad cops, but all hell is happening. The mayor of NY is horrible, in the short time he's been in office he's proven he has no right to be in office. He is now being petitioned not to attend the funerals of these list officers. Good, people finally had enough. This has to end. I am sick and tired of race being an issue. Assholes come in every color. So do thieves, criminals, rapists, child abusers. I'm never going to treat anyone bad just because of the color of their skin.
      On this Eve of Yule, I am adding prayers of tolerance and peace to my Yule working. For the world as it's hurting. I stay positive as I truly feel it will get better.  I will be back tomorrow or Monday as the Wheel of the Year turns, I then look to Christmas. Spending time with my family , wishing dad was with me but happy knowing he's with the neighbors safe and loved. So until next time, ciao for now

Saturday, December 20, 2014

2AM I Should Be Asleep

     So, I'm still awake, hubs is still awake, cat is curled up on the bed BUT awake. Seems like the sandman skipped our home tonight. I'm on a sugar rush. I've been so bad this past week and a half, fucking eating everything bad I come across. Now I don't mean I'm not eating veg, or protein, but a cookie here, and a cookie there, not to mention the office dessert party. Too much sugar and I feel it, I dig that though. I know to be good and detox of sorts. Was a time I couldn't read my body so well, I'm sure it said the same things but I was deaf to it back then. I'm more in tune with it now, more than ever. I lost weight on vaca and then lost a tad more but I'm sure I've put a few back on, at least I think so. I haven't been to the gym this past 12 days either. Just running around getting things done here and there.
     I'm really trying to get into the Christmas mood and I'm slowly getting there. I've been a bit of a Debbie Downer, but the office do got me a little more into the season. Yule us this coming Sunday and I have my candle ready and know what my little solitary ritual will be.  I enjoy marking the seasons. I like the changing weather, although it's getting hard to tell theses days.
     I get nostalgic thus time of year, I miss my mother, I find myself looking online at photos of Christmas decorations and get a tingle when I see one that we had. I get a muck that other people, those outside NY had them too. Of course they did, but well, it just makes me happy. There's a lot of good to come, I believe this, and I've found that things do have a way of working out. I think I finally have a handle on thus being frugal thing. I tell you, if this has taught me anything, it's taught me to be a much savvier shopper. This is a good thing. On e hubs starts getting unemployment and better yet a job, when more cash flows and we can catch up, we said we are going to our favorite sushi restaurant and having a good meal. It's not terribly pricey. With a drink each we usually get about an $85.00 bill.  We are not exchanging gifts this year so it will be our getting back to being us treat to each other.
     Speaking of dining out, my friends in England went back to the restaurant they took me too whilst visiting. Wonderful place, warm, friendly owners and great staff. I left a review on Yelp,  and my friend texted me the owner said thank you. I was confused for a moment then he reminded me. Duh!!! I'm thick sometimes lol
      I guess I should try to get some sleep, hubs is nodding off, cats now snoozing, and I will admit, I've kept a few yawns slip out. So yes, I'm going to get horizontal, shut my light and curl up under the covers. Going au natural tonight so I get to feel the warmth of the quilt, and I love that.  I want heated bathroom floors like I was treated to at my friends house. So that's getting put on my would like list, really if you've never had them, go get them. Lol. Well then off I go to the land of Nod. Ciao For Now

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Gobsmacked Yet Again

     Today was our office dessert Secret Santa party. I made out pretty well actually. I got everything I asked for on my list and that went over the spending limit by about 10 dollars. I tunes card and lovely scented candle and lottery scratch offs   The itunes card alone was $20.00  limit was supposed to be $15.00, oh and I won $5.00 on the scratch off lottery tickets  lol   No, what got me gobsmacked was a card I got on my desk from the lady that sits next to me. When you sit right next to each other you can't help but hear people talk and she must have heard me talking with the hubs how I need to get food for dinner but have to be careful as we don't have a lot to waste, just needed items KWIM? Well in this card was $50.00!!! She said she hoped it gave me some fun money to have, I put it back into her purse but it ended up back in mine and finally I said okay. She told me that I have helped her so much and always listened to her and was there for her when she found out her dad had cancer, that this was the least she could do. Interestingly enough she is leaving the company next week as she will start a new job closer to her home. I wish her well, I didn't do anything special, I just listened to her and offered her a shoulder, told her how I dealt with my mom having cancer and that it was positive for her dad as they caught it early. I guess its true, you don't realize that sometimes letting someone talk it out with you means a lot to them. It's just something I do. I also have a friend who lets me ship with his UPS number so YAY that helps me and I bake him cookies   LOL barter is awesome  but I really was so surprised.
     It was a nice break, as today I started training one of the payroll guys in HR because the other lady is leaving. I will be learning payroll after the new year which I've wanted to do for some time now.  I really have no clue where this will all end up, but like I said I am gong to keep my head up and smile. Sometimes I just want to shake my head at people but why bother. People are going to to as they want, and as a friend said to me years ago when he went to therapy, you can't change people you can only alter your reaction to them. YES!! Focus on you - My mantra for 2015. Even though I will always be there for anyone that needs me, whether they want me there or not. LMAO
     So stay cool peeps and until next time Ciao For Now

I really do

     I believe. I really do. It will get better. I can't let it get to me. I won't let it get to me. I'm well off compared to some. I have no right to whine. I'm really trying to think positive   Thank you friends for the laughs. I am just having a hard time getting into Christmas this year. But it will get better. Believe.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Yeah! LOL


Monday, December 15, 2014

One Of Those Boring Blogs. Lol

     Just finished doing my nails. I'm actually very pleased with the outcome. Look I know 30 dollars every 2 or 3 weeks isn't much but when you have to watch the pennies you cut where you can. So I cut my nails down, they were getting long, and I got all the acrylic off them since these are my nails. So I trimmed, filed and did them up with Christmas glitter. Looks pretty damn good if I say so myself. Lmao.
      You know, it's just a day gone by, but sometimes you look forward to ending one so a new better day can start. We were so busy today, I even stayed late. But I don't mind that, what I do mind is someone who doesn't know me from Adam telling me I'm not doing my job and I'm lazy and pushing it off on others. Well kiss my ample ass in Macys window Jack ass! I called my manager and she ripped him a new one as nicely as she could without getting loud. The entire time talking to him she was giving the phone her middle finger. Lmao. As much as I was glad she defended me, there was a time I was the one defending my reps. It just reminds me I am in need of an overhaul, oh trust me as soon as hubs gets a job, I am going to look. There are bigger and better things out there and I'm going to get me some.  Ah peeps, I'm out. Ciao For Now.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sunday Evening is Time For...r

     Tonight it's time for Christmas cards. I'm finishing my handmade cards. 7 total, the rest will be bought, but the sentiment is real. I need to get my England cards out no later than Tuesday, want them to get there in time. I go in and out of Chrimbo spirit. In at the moment. Lol
     Hubs had an online interview tonight, I'm praying for a Christmas miracle that he gets a job. It's getting crucial, not going into it. It's small actually when I was told the story of a little girl my manager is sponsoring for Christmas. She lost her parents, has no home. All I could afford to donate was a Hello Kitty sweater. Under 20 dollars but it was on her wish list. I wish I could have gotten everything on her list girl her. Kids make Christmas fun, they have that awe and fascination that I try to have too,  but it's hard sometime.
     Enough doom and gloom. I'm thrilled by one major thing, knock wood as I've managed to stay out of hospitals this season, so far. The past two years have found me incapacitated with infections and pneumonia. I've managed to dodge everything this year, and hope to bring in the new year healthy. I'm looking forward to our dessert party thus year at work. I've been baking today, and I'm thinking I will bring my citrus Madeline's. They may even make it into some gift baskets. Tasty and they keep well. I love baking and cooking. I'm bummed I didn't cook while I was in a England.
     It was a quiet weekend. Just tired for some reason. Shouldn't be, been walking at the gym, more needed due to things like dessert parties. Lol hoping to introduce lots of new things in the coming year, me for one. I'm changing, for the better I hope. We shall see.  Want to go take a nice bath, so ciao for now.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Afternoon Quickie (no not the good kind LOL)

   Happy Friday Peeps
   SO glad its Friday, Ive got some cleaning to do this weekend and some card making too. Then its post office Monday or Tuesday night to get the Chrimbo cards out and other odds and ends.  Im feeling the holiday spirit finally as Yule will be here really soon but I'm not setting up a tree this year (again). With the situation we are nit exchanging anything and its not worth putting up a living room tree just for the cat to play with. She likes the hanging balls and she tries to eat the tinsel. You have no idea of funny and gross at the same time until you have seen a piece of tinsel hanging out of your cat's ass.  A warped pull toy for sure. LMAO
   I'm writing a few Christmas letters too that will go inside the cards. I have even more oversea cards this year as I met up with some cool people and Im trying to get everyone's address. Have several already. So yay!
   At work on my morning break, I walked in and went right on the phone as we were queuing when I got here. So a big cup of tea to get me through this until lunch at 1PM. I wont starve :-D
So I really dont have anything but like I mentioned Christmas blog soon  -  oooh arent yu getting excited at the thought? BWAHAHAHA
     Take care peeps and I will be back. Ciao For Now

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Gotta Make Ya Smile (A Little )

     As we know I've been a CSR for many years. There are many horror stories, I've told some, hehe, but to be fair there can be amusing moments as well. One thing that had me chuckle today was when I had a particular jolly caller and I asked for his birth date for security purposes, and he hesitated, he actually hesitated. I laughed to myself, how do you forget the day you were born.  Lol
     Funny start of the day, talking to my friend and we ended up discussing bat balls. I find them to be well rounded. Haha for the size of the bat, they seem to be a bit bigger than one might expect. He started asking others in the office if they've ever seen a bat's bollacks? I was crying! Funny was to start the day. I sent him a pic of a few bats. LMAO listened to a cool group called Jazz Liberators. Love everything I've heard so far. Love hearing new people. So much music out there. Yes!!
     Not a lot tonight people.  Writing a Christmas blog, will gave it done soon. So until next time peeps, ciao for now :-)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Half 9

     I'm in bed. At half 9!! Just tired, frustrated, busy as fuck at work. Two really good things today did get to decorate. Yay. It's Beginning To Look A lot Like Christmas.  Lol. Which alwYs make me feel good. The other truly bright spot was a surprise FaceTime from my youngest friend from England. Her timing was good. Just about my lunchtime I facetimed her back. She was doing her gingerbread house. It was such a sweet surprise. Made my afternoon.
     Here I am, more than a bit knackered. So I'm giving into the longing and getting comfy under my comforter. Ciao For Now

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Sometimes A TV Show Makes Sense

     Tonight was pretty much the same. I did go to the mall, did not find anything for my nephew. I went to the grocery store, picked up a few things. Came home, had dinner, read my book, then watched a little television. It's a show called Forever. I like it, new for 2014. The man in it is searching for reasons he is the way he is. Tonight it hit a nerve. The end wrap up had his voice over saying that everyone has secrets but a shared secret helps you know who your true friends really are.  This got me to pondering. The answer being 42. Lol if you get that reference - kudos. Why are we drawn to some people and not to others? Why, when two or more people meet do they not feel with the same emotion? Individuality perhaps, yes, we are no two alike,  yet we are exactly the same. Our basic forms of skin, bones, blood, we all gave the same organs same heart. But we are all unique. Talk about a stretched paradox, all unique but all the same. How the hell are we even doing this? I have friends, some truly great ones I trust and would give my life for. Don't really care if they would do the same, and I think that's the thing that makes friends special. What separates people. Some do for others but they look to gain something. From the time I was little, I was the type of person who gave and never expected back. When I was a little child,  I gave away my mothers appliances to our neighbor kids for fucks sake! They liked them so they should have them. Not thinking of my poor mother who got calls saying I had done this and then went to collect her stuff back. I remember my mom telling me, I didn't have to give people things to make them like me. She didn't quite get that was not the reason I did it. Why did I? Still maybe a bit of a mystery even now some 40 years later. One year, I was about 10 or 11. A man asked to shovel the snow from my house. He told me he had no money and was trying to earn some so he could help himself and his family. I told my mom and she agreed to hire him. She did the shoveling, but for whatever reason, (maybe she felt bad too), he was soon shoveling our sidewalk and driveway. He had some kind of Eastern European accent, I actually remember his face too. Kind of strange, but he made an impact on me. He was willing to go around looking for work to help his family. Now a days it would not fly, not in a big city, maybe a smaller town. I lied for him next. I just did it, I wanted to help too. I got another neighbor, 2 houses down to let him shovel their walk also. I said he was a cousin and would they let him shovel? Never found out if my lie was ever discovered. Are there good lies? That would be one I think. Back to my original thought. (See I get there! Lmao) even though we are the same, I don't think the other kids would have done this. They would have been scared or skeptical. Imagine little kids being jaded? Sad right? So telling someone a secret for me was something I felt. It's like my body knows to whom I should open up. And it's not always the person one assumes it would be. I have 4 people who know my secrets. A few know all, others what I think they can handle. Most not at all.  Those that know all I trust 1000%,  no need to go into it. I already have. Thing is now I need to learn to trust myself. To allow me to share my secrets again, to remember why and where and who with me!  It's difficult, I'm in a bit of a stale place right now. I shook it up the other day. Put wheels in motion at home that hopefully for hubs sake was sound advice. I am looking around at my surroundings and yes hate them but isn't everything in life temporary? So working on the here and now. I can be so great at this, but man can I fucking stink at it too. Lol  Let's see where I go. How many times can someone say, "I'm focusing on me now?"  Well I'm answering that with "once more at least!" Keep the faith peeps, even though it's not easy, and I don't help matters. But I am STILL that little girl who feels for people, wants to help them, I just need to do this for me now. Ciao For Now

Not To Jinx Things

    But today has been a decent day so far. On the second half now as all are back from lunch. had a lovely grilled chicken wrap filled with lots of veggies, very tasty and the moisture from the peppers took the place of any dressings - BONUS!!
    So as I was planning to go to the gym tonight but my plans went bust as I have to do a bit of Chrimbo shopping for my nephew so off to the mall. Will do a few walks around it as that should add many steps to my day (Its a big mall Dulles Town Center LOL)  probably find him his gift at Footlocker or Game Stop.
    I've been waiting for the tree for the office to show up so we can decorate it and lo and behold I was just told to look in the cubicle behind me. Sonofabitch it was there this entire time  D'Oh!! Not my fault it was under the desk on the the side from where I sit.  So yay tree decorating in the am, get to untangle lights and get festive, no spiked punch though :-(  boo!  hahaha
    Not a whole lot today, so I'm signing off , oh I started a watercolor last night. I have the paints and the paper so why the hell not.  I will try and post a pic when I'm done. A few folks are know also started painting this week, something in the air. Time to get my mind on other things and make my home as livable as I can, and then once hubs starts working again get it fixed up so my friends can all visit.
Until next time  Ciao for now

Monday, December 8, 2014

Why Wasn't I Born Rich Instead of Beautiful LMAO

    Addendum being added on top. Night got a bit better, brought home lamb kabobs for me and gyro for hubs. Hubs finally applied for unemployment and hopefully he can still get it. Just praying it's not too late. Please dear Goddess let it happen. You have really no idea how much this would help! I would crawl on my knees across broken glass if it would help this come to fruition.

So my post from today, not a stellar work day. lol some days your the bat, some days the ball right?
   The phone calls today are ranging from actually nice to downright insulting. Kind of like that little boy in that viral video that keeps telling his mother, Linda, Linda Linda, your not listening. Except that I am listening but they dont like what I'm saying so of course I am wrong. So glad you called to get help with your benefits, but when I tell you the policy and what your available options are you feel it within your right to scream at me and tell me I don't understand and that I should go back to school. REALLY?? Well a big fuck you to you but of course I have to keep my cool and be courteous to you. not that you deserve it. Did they teach you courtesy at school? Did they teach you to be nice when someone is yelling at you because they messed up and want you to say its all going to be okay? I tell you, after doing this type of work for 20 years plus, I have grown a thick skin but with things in my life I will admit its getting to me more than it ever did. Maybe I'm just losing my patience as I get older. Maybe I've been doing this too long, maybe I'm resenting the fact that I went from a manager (albeit middle management) position to position everyone else here thinks is a peon position. So not true, well yes it is, we are the whipping posts.  Yet we have to learn and know the policies for all the human resources groups as well as the ones for the separate contracts and unions. Plus remember any anomalies in them and any changes they come up with. I give it to most of us here. I kid and say my memory is going BUT when it comes to work this is not true. I know my stuff, I'm a fucking good employee and I know more and often have to hold back as its no longer my place to say certain things. THAT's one of the hardest things to do. Its not easy keeping quiet when I know something I can help a co worker with, but its not my place as its something proprietary, only a manager or supervisor has to handle. It's frustrating to say the least. I bite my tongue so often as I can be sarcastic, not as good as my hubs ans some of my friends, they are masters, but I can hold my own. LOL Like just a half hour ago. I had to help a woman with information and get her the passwords and codes she needed, and the steps she needed to log into a certain site. The call was a solid 20 minutes. I end the call with you have a great afternoon. She says okay and hangs up.  I looked at the phone and said "The courteous replay is YOU TOO!!"  the person who sits next to me started to laugh. I'm not expecting her first born to bear my name but some common courtesy is always a plus. Dont get me wrong there are some people that are wonderful. Thye are a pleasure to talk with and we laugh too. Im pretty easy to talk to and will talk with anyone really but its getting to me.  I am taking classes for HR in January (if Im still here that is)  I want another position but until hubs find a job I cant leave, for as meager my salary is its the only money coming in.  My bro just texted me no prezzies for adults this year okay?  Fine with me, I will be baking so they will get some goodies but the kids have to get. I have a few people I am getting for. Its not an option for me. LMAO .
    So that's work in a nutshell. Exciting eh? Otherwise its just a day to day, tomorrow I'm headed to the gym, just want to get home tonight, have a bit of a headache. Woke up too early and after the long drive yesterday I guess Im feeling a bit fatigued. awe poor me. :-D  So until next time when I'll have some cute funny things to talk about I will say Ciao For Now

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sunday Evening in Northern VA

     Time to gather my thoughts. It's not easy as they tend to wander all over the place. Nice drive home today sans a little stretch of the New Jersey Turnpike right at the second to last exit (of course). Once I got through, it was smooth sailing the rest of the journey. I made a roast this morning, and packed it all nice for the trip back here. Gave my dad several servings along with the roasted veg. He called to tell me how good it was, he's so cute. Lol
      Spoke to an old friend today and he was quite kind in his comments to me. He reached out to me on Facebook and I was surprised when he did. Had a bit of a history that I kind of regret. Not regret as that's not a good word, but a indiscretion I wish I hadn't done for reasons of my own. Things have changed and it was made mention, it was a relief of sort. The man himself is a nice guy and I had lent and ear way back when, he had some hard times that he said I really helped by listening and not judging. Who the hell am I to judge anyone? Let he without sin throw the first stone, as the tale goes. Haven't read that book in years. Not in my library anymore.  May meet for coffee one day, who knows. He was quite complimentary on my looks. Said I've emerged, lol. I know what he means,  but that has much to do with someone else. Someone who encouraged me, allowed me to express myself and shared things with me I never had dreamed of. He saw something in me, I had hidden years ago. They are coming back, I want to show him all of the changes. Hoping we get to hang out soon in the city. He's not in this country. In the coming year I really really hope.
      I'm trying to keep myself on my walking, that started in England and Paris. I'm doing better. But OMG last night, I felt like I was the turkey , meaning STUFFED! LMAO. Not anymore, last night was funny as shit, I laughed so hard. It felt good, it was much needed. But naughty food is a treat now . Healthy eats, lots more veg and grains, less red meat. (She says as she has almost half a roast in the fridge. LMAO  I'm not done with my journey yet and for the first time in several weeks I'm getting excited by the thoughts of it. I've comes to terms with things that although I'd like to speak about, I'm not going to beat that horse. I'm happy with what I have, those I love and those that love me. It is evident they do. I want the best for them and for me too. I want hubs to get a jib. It's very hard right now and I think that's why I'm easily drawn into thoughts I should stay away from. So here's to Chrimbo, a new year and new adventures. I want lots of them, with my friends and with myself.
     Well I'm going to give my self a deep facial as my skin needs moisture baby!  Lol. Ciao For Now peeps.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Deck The Halls And Not Take Phone Calls Fa La La

     Well maybe not quite that way, but I was off the phones for a few blistfull hours. Excited as another giftie came to my desk. This time for the wifey of my friend. Small tokens of affection. I wish I could watch them open their prezzies. That's the best part isn't it? Seeing if their good at hiding the fact they hate the gifts. BWAHAHAHA   NaH. Methinks they will like these. God I love giving things to people! Lol
      It was nice today, it felt festive and guess what? Yours truly is now in charge of our holiday office party. They want a dessert party. Oh goody -work calories. Think I'm going to make a tira misu. So today I made the cutest flyers for our secret santa. Found a very cute pic of Santa that works well. Took it into excel and made the flyer. We get to pick a name and each one puts a possible three things they want. We will open them at the party. Music, drinks (maybe some adult egg nog lol) a nd no phones for awhile.  My company is too cheap to go to any venue but a few of us are talking about a club in the area. One night closer to Chrimbo.  Dancing, drinks, house music will be fun.
    Not too much tonight, I'm a bit tired. Throat a bit scratchy, honey and lemon. Must not get ill. Well peeps tomorrow I head off to NY in the evening. Can't wait.  So until tomorrow night (I think) ciao for now.

One Of My Favorites

     Don't we all have masks, personally I find them sexy as hell. Thats a very special type of mask though LOL  I am happy to say that I know of a few who know my masks and can see through them to the real me. Love to them!! 

Her hands reached out to caress the lace of her bodice, the candlelight shimmered across the copper folds of her skirt. She looked back at herself as the mirror reflected an image she barely recognized. She had been so many different things to so many different people that she never knew which mask she would reach for. So many to choose from, she allowed herself to be picked apart day by day, being what she needed to be at any given moment. So in time the masks became her shield, her amour, her confidence. But not today, no more would she be a prisoner of her own making. But even with that thought, she looked down and realized, without even knowing,  she had already selected her shield. The mask that would transform her, allow her to interact with society. So it seems this would not change, with a sigh, she resigned herself to fate.  She heard a soft sound and then saw him appear in the mirror behind her. He gazed at her with a look that was far too familiar. He saw through all her masks, even those she kept in her secret place. She wanted to run, but she could not bear to leave. She looked at his reflection in the mirror as she felt him place his hand over hers and lowered her mask. His eyes spoke to her soul and gave her courage. He silently pleaded, and she could not bear to see the raw emotion. Stripped bare of soul they stood there, eyes locked, she understood and nodded. She looked at their reflection the mirror again, her lace, her copper folds, gracefully flowing out. No armour, but soft, vulnerable, and now willing to try. His arms engulfed her, his lips kissed her, and she was alive. He was an angel, sent to her she knew, for even as she put the candle out, the shimmer remained. It came from him and she felt it's heat sink into her. Angel or man? She was uncertain; he was as real to her as she was to herself. So a deep breath quietly left her lips. She placed her hand in his, and together they walked into the world. She felt naked without her mask, but enjoyed the feel of the sun on her skin. She turned to gaze at her man angel, smiled at him, and laughed. It was a sound as joyous as bells on Christmas morning, he simply blew her a kiss, his eyes looking deeply into her soul. Anyone who bothered to look, saw only her flowing copper skirts as she ran towards the gardens, to freedom......alone.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


     Well made it of the middle of the week, despite the people around me getting what seems to be some sort of plague. Coughing and hacking, losing voices. The ladt next to me is so sick and I wish she stayed home today. I'm cringing at the germs she is spreading  Although those I know and love would not mind I'm sure if I lost my voice. LOL
     I am going to say this and I know it is simple and facebook has already seen part of this but I have to say I am so tired of the media shoving all this negativity down our throats. We are supposed to be a great nation but boy are there issues.  Other nations are trying to shove their ideals on us, but heaven forbid we go to their countries and not adhere to their laws we get punished.  But do that to them here and they say they are mistreated.  BULLSHIT  Come to America live by our rules! Simple  I will do the same courtesy to you. Dont shove Sharia laws down my throat, I am not second class, I am my own operson with the exact same rights as any other American, male or female. I will say what I want and eat whatever meat I want, drink what I want and pray to whomever I please. You don't have to do the same thing that's your choice but dont ever tell me I can't.  hate mongers will not like this, they prey on those with weak minds and unfortunately those in our capital are afraid of not being liked. FUCK THAT  Run your country as you should be doing, taking care of YOUR people not allowing others to sway your laws. Our president is a joke, the next one hopefully will be better. Stand up for the constitution don't re-write it to suit your needs. Our country better get unified fast or kiss it goodbye. We have overseas allys, Work with them and unite even more against these tyrannical people.
    Im not feeling warm and fuzzy today, although my image would allude to that. I sit back and watch more than people think I do. I have thoughts in my head that never get out because I do have some diplomacy and also respect for those around me. Even many don't deserve it but I try to treat those people as I would like to be treated. Thee is a reason I used to be called Owl  LOL   We all have our inner most thoughts and I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve for the most part but I have dark corners that many will never see.
     On a lighter note, I have gotten all but one of my overseas gifties but I think I said that already. I have no idea about Dad, my friends son and my nephew.  Male of the species why you so hard to buy for??? LMAO  Im so easy to get for - anything owls, good liquor, perfume, blue roses china, earrings, bracelets, scented candles or anything handmade. So you all go that right?  HAHAHAHAHAHA  
KIDDING  (maybe LOL)
 Well on that note  I will say ciao for now  :-D

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Not a Tonight Dear, Well Maybe. Lol

     I have come back at least 10x trying to get a blog out of my mind. Ain't happening! Been sitting in the same spot for quite some time.  I get up and before I can sensor myself. I say " My ass is all tingly it's going to need a rub!" I hear my husband start to chuckle .....hmmm perhaps I'll have something to blog tomorrow. LMTAO (laughing my tingly ass off)
Ciao For Now. X

Ho Ho Freakin Ho

     Tis the season my friends, so I'm rewriting a song just for all of you: Lunchtime boredom is the reason, LMAO

Sung to the tune of My Favorite Things

Snowflakes on sidewalks, boots at the ready
Online shopping, getting me a teddy
pay pal or charge cards flying out of my purse
these are Christmas things I hate the worst

(ba bum ba bum ba bum ba bum)

Getting up early to shop at the big sales
Listening to others telling shopping horror tales
Crowding and rudeness and choirs that sing
Traffic and cursing are regular things

When the sales blow
when there's more snow
When Im feeling sad
I simply look online and this changes my mood
and then I know I'm ........ just screwed!

Okay this is why I DON'T write songs   hahahahahaha  until later peeps
Ciao For Now

Monday, December 1, 2014

Strange Days Indeed

    I swear I need a new job, I hope hubs gets a job soon. Not only are the employees who call downright rude sometines, they have now instituted a break board. REALLY?? Like we are 5 year olds that need to have our actions documented. I'm a grown woman, I don't think I need to announce that I need to go to the toilet. I've been able to do this on my own now for quite some time,  and I do my job, I get kudos often and have people ask me if they can call me directly as I'm the only one or one of a rare few that actually know what I'm doing.  I get paid shite!! it's the way of the position, but I've taken a big hit this past year and a half. I was out of work 10 months so when I was offered this position I jumped at it, hoping at some point another position might open up in the company I could put in for. No such luck. So here I am stuck pretty much. I tell you as soon as hubs gets a job and is there a few months I'm going to start looking. I was no an executive, hell i was only middle management but I hate having to cow tow to people who think they are so much better than me, yet they are asking rudimentary questions. So who knows more???   Life ain't fair I know,  but fuck sometimes I bite my tongue so much, Im a whipping post to many of these employees. Wears a body down it does!
     Okay so I get home and hubs has wine ready for me. Bless. Feeling a bit better and calmer I go to my Facebook to see a hilarious video by my friend to his kids. All about taking out the recycle trash. Brilliant!!!!  Okay the day is wearing off and I'm feeling better. Then the sneezing starts. Ugh. I can't get sick, NY beckons and I won't miss it. So I am going to have a dose of Lemsip, ( works well, wonder if I ask nicely my friend will send me some) take my make up off and settle in for an early night.  Hopefully asleep by half ten. We shall see. Until next time peeps, ciao for now