Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Write On Baby😊😊

     Well got my hair done tonight. My hairdresser is a hoot, we get along very well.  I told her what I want done, she does it and then it looks great for a few days then I get to do it myself and ....not as great. Not terrible but, well fuck I need to use my straightener. I have thick hair and was told tonight, it's extremely soft. It does feel nice but I think it's the added bonus of my Paul Mitchell shampoo. Lol she made my hair a deeper red, with there separate layers, of lighter shades mixed in, looks funky fun. I may go back to blonde as I loved it, but I like the shorter sleeker style. It's kicky and kind of sexy. Let's not forget easy to shampoo and dry. Dear friend, you suggested a haircut, get rid of the rocker hair, and I am grateful for the honesty as I was stuck for so long. I like this look MUCH better. Lol.
     Well yes I went to weight watchers and was not as terrible as I was fearing. Isn't that always the way, you get so nervous then pony up to the bar and well damn, it's not as bad as you thought it would be. I knew I had gained weight, I knew I lost weight and my bathroom scale alternated between 2 weights depending where you stood. Ha! So I can now say, I am almost 3 pounds less than I was last August. Okay, I can work with this. I can be at least 40 to 50 pounds less by the time England trip gets here. Plus I have someone at work I can swap recipes and chat with. Also my friends are so supportive, thank the stars. All this and it hopeful The NY Rangers may win the Stanley Cup this year...ah yes.....deep's all good right now.
     Two birthdays happening. My friends son, and my friend in NY. The boy is 16, and a very handsome young man. The lady is a beautiful gal, who is so lovable. Happy Birthday to you both!
Headed to NY this weekend to celebrate the lady's birthday, and so looking forward to seeing my friends. Of course I get to see Dad. Always wonderful. Still trying to figure what to get him for Father's Day. He's hard to buy for.  I do t have much to say at the moment but stick by me, I'm sure something will come to mind. Lol
     So before I fall asleep at the computer, I will say ciao for now.

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