How do you think of what to blog about? Sometimes you just can't, which is why I'm doing it so infrequently as of late. For this I say sorry, and also thank you for checking in again peeps.
Well today I felt I had to take a stand on Facebook of all places. You see as a fat girl I've dealt with stares, cruel words, and taunting by strangers. Look, I'm as human as the next person, and on occasion I have laughed at a photo or words that tease overweight people. Like the dog under the fat ladies chair that looks very nervous. Okay that's funny, I can appreciate it and smiled and I will kid about pics saying where did you get my picture? Lol of course theses are often posted by people I know, and no harm meant but it's funny that a post was done today in the opposite way. A chubby girl was holding a sign against thin people. Interesting to see the other died of the issue. To me it was just as bad as saying something against a fat person. See thing is, people are fucking people. Seems that everyone has their "thing"! Who feels fat, who thinks they are not pretty, too short, too tall. Media makes you feel like you will never attain perfection. Of course you won't no one is!! Getting to my point, what upset me were the comments. Some were purposely hurtful. Why, why do people hide behind the internet and shout out such remarks that can make you, in a weak moment, get chocked up ? I felt I needed to reaffirm, that I am me, this is what I look like, this is who I am and I make no apologies for it. Don't like me, well I don't care. It just makes me sad that people still feel the need to tear down to make them feel good. Fat and fabulous plus sexy as fuck= ME!! Lol
I'm pleased peeps, I got a really good review at work. They were telling me how happy they ate I work there. My director and manager both said personally and professionally they are glad. It felt good, I won't lie. I often wondered if they were glad I was back or did they regret their choice. So now I know. I admit though, I hate that I am tethered to a phone. I miss being able to take calls when I got one. I have had times when I had to leave a good conversation with good friends to start work. Hopefully one day soon I won't have to do that.
I will be back tomorrow, I want to get this blog going again, until tomorrow I of course say, ciao For Now
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