So there was no snow falling this morning, so that was good. My car finally was able to be driven without fear of skidding, or slipping. I love snow, I have no problem driving in snow, but since I'm going to be selling my car this year, I am sure I'm being a bit over cautious. Yes, I'm normally so even keel. Lol
Well it happened again this weekend, we had Sunday to Monday snow, almost didn't make it to work, but I did. I have no real vacation time to take, so I trudged in around half 12. It was fine that night and today. Tomorrow us already Wednesday. These weeks seem to be going so fast. It's great yet terrible. This month us already half over, I have so much I want to get done. I will, as I'm going into hyper drive soon, but being me, I'm always questioning and wondering. Time to put the blinders on and go! Like a rolling ball down a hill, I need to gain my momentum. But you see, today wasn't a great day. But it started bad, at about 4am this morning. I woke up and started crying. I had had a terrible dream. I was being hugged and then I died. Has anyone else ever dreamed of your death. Thing is it was weird. No pain, no accident, just a hug by arms that were trying to comfort me and I died. Why, what does it mean. Kind of put a cloud over me all day. Even now I'm a bit misty thinking of it. What is ahead for me? I'm going to take it as a metaphor, in that death is change. Damn it I'm going to make it a positive change too. Weird I know. But oh well.
Ciao for now peeps.
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