Sunday, March 30, 2014

Couldn't Sleep

     Nothing much has really happened, which is why I haven't really written much. I can drone on and  it's bad enough when I have something to say but when I don't? Whoosh ......boring! Lol
      Today is a black moon, second new moon in a month. Time for changes and I think I've felt these changes happening over the last few days.  Mostly good.  I guess one change , very visible on me is that I am once again a redhead. BUT this is a very different red. I like it, kind of sassy. I'm very lucky to have a great hairdresser. Something all women need. I love my blond too. Hard to choose but judging from a pic I posted on Facebook I'm thinking this new color wins. I'm trying to do my best to stand out. To do things that benefit others as well as myself. I'm still trying to draw although I'm not posting anything as it's mainly shapes and forms.  I will again though.
      Life is steady right now, for this I'm thrilled. Friends are fine and love them all. I'm just trying to balance life, and how it actually is and how I want it to be. They are getting closer I'm happy to report. Lol. So see I told you - ramblings.  Talk to me peeps, I know you read these. Any thoughts you want to throw out, questions for me perhaps. Let's make this a give and take. So until next time, ciao for now.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Do we know when?

     There's a saying from the from the gospel of Matthew that says, if the homeowner knew when the thief was coming, he would have stayed home. 😝Yes you can take the girl out of the bible but 12 years of catholic school stays with you no matter what. Lol. Well I'm just asking if you believe we know when our time on earth will be ending. Like we act different or do different things. It's just that I went to see my dad this past weekend and I noticed, on the table next to his chair, was a set of rosary beads. Now most Cathoilic homes gave at least a set or two. I even have the ones I got on my first communion. But Dad has never ever done a rosary. Not at church, not as an usher at church, not when, family dies, never! So imagine my surprise when he told me he has been saying them for a while now. My immediate reaction was suspect to say the least. Then I got sad wondering if he thinks jus time is coming. You see, his father was never sick, just like him. Just didn't wake up one morning. My father has said more than once, that he will be the same. Just odd but if saying the rosary brings him a spence of peace, good for him.
      Was a great weekend. Obviously I saw my dad, but also friends, and as always it was great. Food, spirits and laughs, a trifecta win! One couple there, OMG, one night they heard a pop and go look outside. Seems a live overhead wire had fallen right next to their car. Needles to say their car went up in flames. Gone! So the host of the evening, gave his older car to the couple so they would have a car. See, these are the people I know, wait let me be more specific as I know many people. I should say these are the people I hang out with. Funny and friendly and giving. Makes for a fun time always.
      My happiest moment this weekend was a shock of happiness, when I tried on a pair of slacks in petite length and they fit perfectly. Usually I still have to get them hemmed but these I can wear tomorrow for work and I'm going to! Lol. Woohoo! It's the little things, or in this case, the short things, that make your day sometimes. I told hubby and he said, "are you sure they aren't Capri pants?"  Oh funny funny hubby. Grrrr lol
      Well peeps, I'm going to put the kettle on and get ready to watch Cosmos, so I will say, as always, Ciao For Now.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Happy Tuesday Folks

So there was no snow falling this morning, so that was good. My car finally was able to be driven without fear of skidding, or slipping. I love snow, I have no problem driving in snow, but since I'm going to be selling my car this year, I am sure I'm being a bit over cautious. Yes, I'm normally so even keel. Lol
Well it happened again this weekend, we had Sunday to Monday snow, almost didn't make it to work, but I did. I have no real vacation time to take, so I trudged in around half 12. It was fine that night and today. Tomorrow us already Wednesday. These weeks seem to be going so fast. It's great yet terrible. This month us already half over, I have so much I want to get done. I will, as I'm going into hyper drive soon, but being me, I'm always questioning and wondering. Time to put the blinders on and go!  Like a rolling ball down a hill, I need to gain my momentum. But you see, today wasn't a great day. But it started bad, at about 4am this morning. I woke up and started crying. I had had a terrible dream. I was being hugged and then I died. Has anyone else ever dreamed of your death. Thing is it was weird. No pain, no accident, just a hug by arms that were trying to comfort me and I died. Why, what does it mean. Kind of put a cloud over me all day. Even now I'm a bit misty thinking of it. What is ahead for me? I'm going to take it as a metaphor, in that death is change. Damn it I'm going to make it a positive change too.   Weird I know. But oh well.
   Ciao for now peeps.

Monday, March 17, 2014

One More Time

     Can you hear but? Sound of snow gently falling down, blanketing my area with it white. Once more do we find ourselves in a Sunday to Monday situation. I for one will have to try and make my way in as I can't yes anymore vacation hours.  I need them for England!!  I love snow but wish this started yesterday instead of today.
     I'm almost feeling 100% better. I had a sneezing fit around 2am Saturday morning and wrenched my back. OMG it screwed up my weekend but at least I was able to bake and cook hubby one of his favorite meals. I also realized that  I truly suck at trying to be amusing over text. DOES NOT WORK FOR ME. Lesson driven home yet again. I'm sure in the future I will do it again. It's like a woman forgetting how much pain childbirth can be then goes and has another baby. It's not that I overthink, in theses cases I just don't think. I know sad, but it's happened and I'm doing my best to go forward.
      I am awake now as I went to bed early but hubby is having a bad night. He's not the quiet type when he's had a few. Although he's snoring steady know, so thankfully I should be able to get to sleep. If there us too much snow, il be back in the day tomorrow, if I get into work, I'll catch you all tomorrow night. Ciao for now.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Things That Make You Go Grrrr!!!

     I'm pretty laid back, okay I know some you just muttered "what??" But you must I'm pretty easy going. There are a few things that get me enraged. Cruelty to animals and children are two big ones. Well today the wife of a former co-worker, sent her 6year old child out in this bitter cold weather with no coat, no gloves, no scarf of hat. Seems the boy has a habit of losing them. For us to say a prayer for his cold ass. He also has terrible ADHD, but from other comments I get the feeling comments like she wrote may be a clue as to why. Well she goes on to say through remarks that it was part of her dark humor. REALLY you take a child outside in bitter cold weather, lucky child services isn't knocking down your door. Now where the jackets went, don't know, is this an issue, absolutely. Us this how you handle it? NO!!! I was so upset. Not my business I know, she said the bus stop is in front of the house, but thus doesn't solve the issue. What more other women said yes, tough love. Seriously? I was, and am still so upset by this. Am I over-reacting? I'm asking you all, am I? It's over now and onto new things on good ole Facebook. But damn if it didn't strike a chord with me.
     I'm looking forward to baking this weekend. I'm making Irish Soda Bread. The recipe is one I've been making over 20 years. It was brought over from Ireland by my Grandmothers mother. Bonefide yummy noms. Lol. Been a steady week peeps so not much going on. I'll be back with some rant or boring story I'm sure. So keep an eye out girl it. Lol. Until next time, ciao for now

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sometimes You Need A Jolt

     It's Sunday night and I'm watching a television show called "Cosmos".  Some may laugh and think it's silly, but it fascinates me. Science and space has always made me wonder. I'm a heretic of sorts I suppose. Yet devout in other ways. I have faith that the divine, no matter by what you call it, often has a great laugh at our expense. This world and and all others are part of a greater world. To think we are the only ones in this universe is quite a silly thought. How self centered and elitist we would be to think that. I wonder in that huge universe out there, if we'd be in the cool group of kids or the nerdy outcasts. Just a thought. Lol. I think Neil DeGrassi Tyson is a great choice as the host of the series. He and Michio Kaku are my favorites in the science fipelds  They are personable, like able and, they are not just scientists, they are educators. Both are wonderful at bringing you in and getting you excited about the world around you, because they truly are. I will try to catch all the episodes.
     It's been a good day, a decent weekend actually. Saturday was beautiful. We hit 62 degrees F. Got the car washed and I cleaned the inside. Today was nice, good afternoon and dinner turned out very well. I've been more diligent with food and I've been counting calories, keeping to no more than 1200 calories a day. I'm not working out and have yet another, hopefully my last, doctor appointment later this week. I do feel better even though I get winded easy still, it's better than it was. So I am hopeful that I am in the last stages of whatever the hell hung on.
     Not much to talk about, nothing has riled me up, it's been pretty status  quo as of late. So I will just say hope everyone has been having a calm time.  Have a great Monday and ciao for now πŸ˜€

Monday, March 3, 2014

Very Sinple

     As I go to sleep tonight in my warm bed. I am thinking how lucky I am. My friends my family I love them so. So all I ask for is that those outside man woman and animals please be able to find shelter from this bitte cold. Give them some warmth as our temps fall to -4F. I wish I could do more than pray for them but I know the Goddess hears and does what's possible. Not everyone will get but perhaps it's meant that way. Helps us be truly grateful for the ability to earn what we have. That's tonight. Ciao For Now.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Early Morning Thoughts and Musings

     I know I don't post as often as I used to, but then again sometimes life just gets in the way of a good time. LOL. It's early Sunday morning and I'm in the kitchen area of a residence inn that is more like a small condo or flat! It's quite comfy, not high brow by any means, but it has it's own basic charm. It really has everything you need, and in a very strange way, it's teaching me something. It started out all because our water heater died, then black mold was found and before you knew it, the hubs rather enjoyed getting away from the house. I'm not sure why really, I can only assume, and we all know that never works as we figure. I'm not complaining as the bed here is so very comfortable. (We are in dire need of a new one) This is a Marriot, so it would follow that it must maintain at least some extras to live up to the name. It's not a budget place, but not 5 star either. Kind of like me. Hahaha. What I'm learning is that although I adore the finer things in life, and have been treated to several through the generosity of people, I am realizing that in life, you need to sort out the basic things before you can add on the luxuries. I'm doing fine here on weekends, cooking up a storm. We freeze the meals so that during the week when I'm at work all hubs has to do is thaw something and steam some fresh veg, and there you have it. A real meal, not some fast food . I have basic cookware here. Not my fancy all-clad pans and sauciers. I can make my way around any kitchen really. But getting back to my point. (Gods, but don't I go off?) I'm taking care of basics so I can enjoy the perks. First and formost is my health. Unfortunately the year started in hospital with pneumonia. It never truly left me. So as I'm typing this I still am on medication for the damn thing. Apparently I still have fluid in my lungs. Praying this is not becoming chronic, although I think I'm being a bit of an alarmist there. It's just so frustrating!! I'm on a steroid inhaler at the moment, and holy shit, the list of possible side effects makes the shortness of breath seem more favorable. But I do fell better when using it. I was on antibiotics but they are done now. I have yet another doctor appointment next week. There are a few things that are bothering me. Basics remember πŸ˜€ For me one big one is that I'm being told I can't go to the gym, as I am so short of breath. I hate this, HATE THIS! I must move as this staying still is not helping my losing weight. The other thing is I feel like an invalid. Hubs has been taking me into work bless him. Reason being, that in order to park close enough that I won't collapse before I reach the entrance to work, I have to get there an hour and a half early. The parking lot fills up fast. I had no trouble parking away from the building, as a matter of fact, I was doing it on purpose ( more walking) but as of late, if I'm too far, I start to sound like Darth Vader with a cold.
I know I'm going all over the place but bear with me, the thoughts are just coming and I'm only being the conduit here. ACK, RUN!! Lol
     Thing is I don't know why I'm here, in this place, that for some reason, I am redecorating in my head. Oh yeah, I am! I can see this being a very cute place for someone. You know when I look at houses, the first thing I think of is where will the Christmas tree go. I'm daft, what can I tell you. LMFAO
     A friend posted a video of her dad, and I was mesmerized at what I was watching. I enjoyed it because it was so freeing. It made me think of when I did community theater and all the dancing I did in them. I loved the movement. The human body is so fluid, and moves so well. We often tend to squelch the impulses to move, but why? It's wonderful to be expressive, through dance, or singing, or anything really. We were not made to sit in little cubicles all day, yet we do. Well I do, and I take my breaks and put in my headphones and listen to music, a bit of freedom even if it's only in my mind. I did a free style dance when I was in the play "Hair", I danced the "Shapoopie" in "The Music Man" and countless other plays, the highlight of course was Godspell whee our version was more like DANCESPELL. Shook my groove thing on that one I tell you! I want to get that me back. Does that make sense? The girl who moves, the free spirit. She is returning slowly and I like her. She's an odd duck though but in a good way. She is too oversexed perhaps, hahaha, it's not her only thought, but when she likes something she wants to have no boundaries. She hates mundane, yet yields to it, as we all must, in order to earn the fun times. I'm going to say this, I almost put this as a Facebook status, but decided not to. " As much as I love clothes, and getting all dressed up, naked feels fabulous!" BWAHAHA, told you, odd!
      I'm also very grateful for every fucking thing I have. Not as much as some, but more than many. I'm blessed with a loving family, and super fabulous friends. I also have friends I haven't met yet across the Atlantic. You know, ( and my only mention of England ON THIS BLOG TODAY LOL) going to England has been a lifelong dream for me, and I am humbled to know that I have people over there who are not only turning their life a bit topsy tuvey for me, but those I haven't even met yet are making me feel welcome. WOW!!  To quote Maria from The Sound Of Music: "Somewhere in my youth, or childhood, I must have done something good!"
      Off the chart morning rambling today but hey, it's half 6 in the morning and I've been up a little over 2 hours. So just roll with it peeps.  I think I'm to make the first of I'm sure several cups of tea. Love my Yorkie Gold. 😚. So I'm going to say once more, Ciao For Now.