Well, tomorrow is here, my first "official" work day. I am very happy, as I will now have benefits, and vacation accrual and pay. I also will accrue at a higher level as my 5 1/2 years will count. From here it's go time. No more pussy footing around. Slow and steady and damn if I am going to do my very best to keep myself in check! I get overboard and get clingy and I'm really trying to get into my head that I can not worry about things not my concern. It's so hard sometimes because I draw up scenarios in my head and I'm just an ass, that's the only way I can explain it, it's just that I .....fuck I can't explain it. I just hope those I care about can understand the thoughts in my head. And if they can, would they explain it to me!? lol
I'm some feel like a live wire that is writhing on the ground and emotions are coming out instead of currents. Kind of the same effect though. I am feeling over sensitive to everything, and I mean weird shit. My taste sense seems heightened, my emotions and sense of smell too. How bizarre is that? I'm such an odd duck. lmao I was looking at clothes today and saw so may things I would love to get but I'm not. I'm going to start being a miser. Saving up my money, so I can enjoy my first trip abroad. I want to treat everyone in the fam to a lovely meal out. It's the very least I can do. Plus I will have to buy clothes over in England, must have some UK fashion. I need to buy me some nightgowns or lounging outfits as I really don't wear anything to sleep. Oh peeps, I have written myself a workout plan too. I am going to try and add yoga to my regime. I am not going to promise I won't fall over. I didn't come in like a wreaking ball, I'm just shaped like one, with a bit of a waist carved in now. So should be interesting. I didn't do a lot of walking today, about half a normal working day. But tomorrow after work I am going to do the treadmill, get my miles up. Then I take the Yoga on Wednesday I think. I will be sure and let you know. :-D
So since I am on my laptop, I am adding a few pics that you may get a kick out of. We are in control, going Zen, getting my ducks in a row, I will prevail, and holy crap I wish someone would stop me when I start writing crap like this........:-) Let's just go on and see what happens.
Im going to give myself a facial and hit the hay, so ciao for now.
Like I said ZEN
A night I will never forget, it was beyond amazing:
Getting that waist, bit flattening of the tummy, and hamming it up at work:
The last one is for my Doctor Who inner geek LMAO
Later Peeps!! LMAO
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