Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Die Is Cast, We Shall See

     To quote a co-worker, "I have never been more aware or afraid of an election."  This election is going to be close and it more than likely will take a few days to come to the actual totals and the final winner. I personally am afraid because I do not look good in small aprons or wearing my hair up. I actually want to make the same as my counter supervisor (male) but I may not get that chance anymore. I am in a diminishing middle class, the rich are getting tax cuts that I will never see.  I fear for everyone. Not saying the other candidate is just golden, oh no, but to me he is the lesser of the two evils. My own father who is a registered Conservative does not like MITTens at all, and dad even voted for Bush but ended up regretting that choice and said so. My Dad married, moved out to the "Suburbs" worked two jobs when I was little, then my Mom worked as well, and together they raised me and made a home, I went to a prep school. We were what was then called "upper" Middle Class. This moniker is no longer valid, I am worried that Middle Class will go by way of the DODO.  I pay into social security every check, but by the time I will get it it may not even be there. I see people who do nothing but have babies they can't afford, refuse jobs, get relief checks, drive new cars, and have designer purses. My car is over 5 years old, and hubs and I put aside the new kitchen I so desperately want because we just can't afford 8K walking out the door as we are not selling our home for at least another 2 years. Okay I do have several designer purses! LMAO We are not perfect by any stretch but I think if MITTens get in we are headed for a nose dive into hard ground! I hope that he can prove me wrong, I will admit it, BUT I don't think I will have to. I think it will be more like telling all the folks who voted for him I TOLD YOU SO, as he's done nothing, he's terrible. One friend of mine is gay and he adores MITTens, no clue what drugs he takes but I want him to share. Look we dont't know and probably wont for about a week (my guess) I really need to get my passport now!!!
     Oh peeps that is all the big news here in America right now, and I know you all have opinions as we look terrible to most of the world, we are young, we have the attitude of a teenager, and like a teenager, I think we don't think things all the way through. I want to believe our heart is still filled with good thoughts and hopefully one day someone will come forward, and fan our dying embers into a bright fire once again. Until then, we wait.   
     I am not a politician, I am not a political major at the University, I am just a woman who wants to get treated fairly, paid equal for what I do, live comfortably, there is enough for all of us if people stopped being so fucking greedy!! We could all drive Mercs, wait is that Communism? LOL  Well on paper it sounds great, but then lots of things do. The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich was a interesting book written on paper but I wouldn't want to live it now! Maybe I'm just silly and dumb on all this, I just don't know sometimes. So if what I said made no sense to anyone, as I can ramble on, pardon me :-D  I am shutting down for the night here at work so I will say until next time, Ciao For Now.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations America... you made the right choice. The world is safe (well for another 4 years at least) !!!
