It's officially summer, as of 7:06PM east coast time. WhooHoo I tell you the weather today and tomorrow are making it feel VERY much like Summer. Right now at &:40PM it is 91 degrees that feels like 97 degrees and it's nighttime!!
I so need to buy some nice summer skirts and blouses, and sandals lets not forget sandals. hehe
I personally will be celebrating the Solstice tonight , it's also known by names such as Litha or Midsummer. The later of course immortalized by Shakspeare of course. The sun is at its highest at this time and now believe it or not the days will start getting shorter. Most folks alters (those lucky to have one) decorate them with flowers and fruits to signify the abundance the earth is giving us at this time. It's time for fun and acting childlike and be free. Think how we have so much outdoor fun in the summertime. Just being outside makes you feel happy. Laying in grass eating a juicy piece of cold fruit, going to the beach and watching hte sunset over the waves; just glorious for sure.
This is also the time of the return of the Sun God and the death of the oak King. I have seem pagents performed within circles honoring the Gods. It's very moving to watch. Depending on your pagan ideology the Goddess is know carrying the Holly King which was conceived during Beltane (May 1st) he will be born to take the place of the Oak King later on in the year. I love how my religion is in sync with the earth. I try to always, every day to say thank you for what I have and relish what others often miss. I had taken a pic of a dandelion flower, its a week but its so pretty, it deserves attention as much as the large roses that bloom, each having its own beauty! Sadly I only have a small mainly cerebral celebration, marked by my candles and incense burning. I used to have a prorper alter and will so once again. All my things are packed away but they will come out at some point I'm sure
I am signig off early tonight as I have a dentist appointment at 7AM tomorrow morning. I am going to start the process to get my bridge done. I'm a little nervous about it, but I'm sure it will be fine!! If you've had one I'd love to hear about it from you and compare notes so to speal :-) So as alwasy i am saying Ciao For Now
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