What age you ask? 84!!! Of course I'm talking about my Dad. Growing up I was a Daddy's girl. I used to go for walks with my Dad and he used to always take me to this one place I remember very well. It was called McGuiness. It was a burger slash kids amusement place. They had little rides and game rooms, way before Chuck E Cheese was a thought. He would take me every Sunday after church for a burger and then I would go on rides. This way Mom could prepare Sunday dinner in peace. LOL Nothing really special or grandious but it was daddy & me time. Of course when I hit my teens I turned more towards my mother, but now as I am an adult talking with my Dad and listening to his stories; I realize that I am more like him than I ever would have thought. This both amuses me and freaks me a little bit. My Dad is a pretty cool old guy and is very well liked. He will talk to anyone and loves a good party. Yep very much alike...LOL I do miss that he doesn't live near me but truth be told if I took him out of New York it would be his demise. He is still able to do everything on his own. He even goes to the YMCA in Manhattan 2x a week. His neighbors look out for him and the one weekend I showed up on a spur of the moment trip to meet friends, there were people coming over making sure he was okay. This was wonderful to see and eased my concerns a great deal. Now for my Dad and his antics, which never seem to stop. HAHA Things actually find him too. He told me today that he was at the grocery store yesterday and some lady was giving out samples of pigs in blankets. If you are not familiar with them, they are like little vienna sausages wrapped in pastry dough and baked. They are addicting, yummy and fattening. LOVE THEM!! So my dad asks the lady if he can have 2 of them, lol, she says sure and then asks if she can take his picture. He says sure. So I aksed him why did she do that? He replied that he has no idea. So then I ask, well what was the name of the company she was selling them for. He again said, no idea. I told him he should have asked, he says yea I guess I should have. No clue why, of all the people in line she asks my Dad. I told him I better not see his face on some other body in Playgirls Grandfather Edition. He roared at that, and I like that I can make him laugh. He means the world to me.
Oh Peeps, I must tell you - I am such a softie and sometimes the world presents things that I have such a hard time comprehending. I was on my way to work on Friday and all of a sudden people started stopping and slamming on breaks. I saw why a moment later. There was a Mamma Goose, three little gosslings (still fuzzy yellow) and the Dad Goose crossing this highway. I was able to pass them and so were the cars that I saw in my review mirror, but they had 8 lanes to cross and traffic was too heavy so I will guess they did not make it across. I started to cry (actually I am getting teary writing this) Those poor little creatures, they don't know about cars and roads and traffic they were just walking. The babies, the babies were so little. Why did they have to be born only to die? It took me quite some time to calm down once I got to work. I know I'm silly, but those innocent babies and the Mom & Dad goose. Why couldn't they have stayed on the grass and gone the other direction? I will never understand that!!
Switching gears here. This weekend so far has been relaxing and yet productive. I got up early, went to the gym then got a small coffee and went for a drive with the car top down as it was already 70 degrees at 8AM. Brought breaky home for hubs and I then cleaned the bedroom. Going to wash the walls tonight I think or maybe in the morning. Hubs and I made a re-pact on the no added sugar or sweets and very few carbs. I've been good but it's time to roll back the plan to jump the old metabolism again. So today we are eating well, a few sugars and carbs but nothing out of control. I have not had cakes or candies of any kind and you know what? I dont miss them. I am a carb junkie though, I know this, and admit it freely. I went to the store just before and I know this is going to sound weird but I am really excited about what I bought. I made sure I purchased fruits and veg but I also got Greek yogurt and some low fat actually good nutrition facts granola (bear naked is the brand) and raw honey. I'm looking forward to a nice breakfast in the morning of this with some of the fresh raspberries and blueberries I bought. I know that's pathetic but the oddest things turn me on. No I don't mean that sexually you pervs LMAO I know, with me one would assume sexually, as I admit I MAY be A LITTLE oversexed, but so may things turn me on in general. The car drives is a big one. I think that driving when there is no set destination is wonderful. Follow your nose and it leads you to some great and very interesting things. Life really is fucking wonderful, even the shit times have meaning, they help you appreciate when that light shines on you in a better way.
Friends have a lot to do with your life of course and thinking of mine, especially right now are making me smile big time!! One I can't say but will at a later time, one lady who I need to call seems to finally be getting her life where it is meant to be, she deserves nothing but good things and then this coming weekend I get to go to Pennsylvannia to hang with 2 of my girls. I am leaving work early on Friday and we are going to just have a great night, catching up, having some wine and cooking together. We are meeting at the house of one of them, so all it will cost is gas and groceries for me. The other lady may be moving to Georgia soon and her life is moving along so fast but beautifully and we need to have this time to ourselves. I also want to head up to Maine in a few months to see my other girlfriend, my "sister from another mister" if you will. So no real big vaca trips planned as I am saving my time for my trip to England next year. Hubs can't take any vaca either now so it works out. I wil get 3 weeks starting in November so thats cool. By that I mean that in the course of a year I will accrue 3 weeks vacation, this of course can be carried over but I will need to take a day here and there so I keep accruing. I would like to plan a long weekend for my anniversary in September. We shall see . So there ya have it peeps. I will be back Sunday night I'm sure even if it's just to say hello. So I say once again, Ciao For Now.
You tell that cutie patootie knock it off.....I already claimed him!!!!