Monday, July 18, 2016

Poor Cat

     She didn't know what to make of the morning hustle, that started about 5:30AM. Why is the female in the bathroom AND the male in the kitchen? Its barely light out, as the sun is in process of coming out. LOL  She felt much better once she got cuddles and her food bowl was topped so, heaven forbid, a glint of the bowl its in will not show through in parts.
     So I am here at work at the ungodly hour of 7am. I've had brekkie already so I'm debating a cup of tea.   Hopefully this starts the next chapter of a very productive story.
     I've also had an epiphany of sorts, thought I had prior to this but not as strong as this last one. I have moved on from lots in my past and I feel I've moved even farther this time. This is a good thing, Im just so tired of bullshit, that's one reason I find myself staying away from facebook. All the tension on there just harshes my buzz.  Im interested in politics of course, here and abroad, as it effects us all, but I can't stand the spin doctors. I hate both of the candidates and I need to read up more to have a valid opinion. I have friends who just rant on the party line they follow and refuse to see any ideas the other side may have. No matter if it makes sense or not.  One thing I do know is politics is not black & white, there's a lot more than 50 shades of gray here. So I stay out of it for the most part.
    I'm cleaning my house and concentrating on those I love, My sister is first and formost right there with my hubby. Love them both. My dear friend in Maine has things going on and I wish I could make it all better but its headed in the right direction although the road will be bumpy, she has a collage age child now, hold on tight  LOL  Those I care about know. Im concentrating on my home and hubby. We need to get the house in order and now we can hopefully start once bills start getting paid off. My thing is that I want my credit to go back up. It will, it has but I need it to go higher  LOL
     I'll be back in a day or so, Im looking out the window at what looks to be a very strong storm developing, it got very dark very fast. of course my umbrella is at home   LMAO   So ciao for now my lovelies

Friday, July 15, 2016

Yep Yep Yep

This aint been so easy this time, 

but life is taking a turn.
So happy thoughts and moving forward!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

165 Days and 13 Hours until Christmas (at this writing)

WHAT AM I SAYING THIS FOR???  Lol   I love Christmas. Its just that, for me, it brings back wonderful memories and this year I actually celebrating simply and beautifully. meaning I'm not going to freak out over getting the perfect gift. I'm going to start making some gifts NO ART so not to worry. :-D   I'm going to go natural in my decorating. I love boxwood shrubs and holly, mixed with plaid and some bells look great. I'm focusing on the love I always felt and still feel from family and friends. So HO HO HO Christmas is coming

Things are changing, for the good, but I still feel odd. Change is good they say, I like some change but I feel so much is going to happen at once. I am not sure how to explain it.   It's like one night it was very late, or early morning, depending on how you view things. lets say it was abut 2AM and I was walking with my boyfriend in Greenwich Village in NYC. I had a weird feeling, something was just off. The streets didn't feel right. I know that sounds stupid, but I was unsettled all night. The paper that morning said NYC had had an earthquake. I sensed the disturbance in the force so to speak  LMAO  But that's how I've been feeling for a few months now and I'm not sure why. Hope when I find out its pleasing. I mean there is so much craziness going on right now, political, racial, religion....I hardly go on facebook anymore and when I do I'm playing games not reading posts. I'm over it, truly.  I'd much rather talk with my friends and laugh. We need more laughs

I hope the thought of Christmas whilst we are wearing shorts gave you a giggle.  Ciao for now

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Easy Read Today

As a matter of fact sometimes I just feel like sharing photos that have some meaning to me, so here you go:
For laughs:

 For Real: 

More laughs:


My look most days with employees calling in:

Uh-Oh  LOL 

 Again Truth

Ciao For Now Peeps xx

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy Birthday America

     4th of July, the day America celebrates our independence from England.  We did ( with a little help from the French - go figure! Lol)  Apparently Mother England was too "loose" in their ways.  While I'm glad we have a free country, I don't think they were too loose.  But I wasn't alive then, I am here now, I love England, always have. I know several people there, a good friend is from there. I could easily live there.  They know ceremony, I like a good ceremony! They do this very well.  I was treated to a private look see at The Ceremony Of  The Keys.  I was told glorious and amusing tales by a very lovely gentleman who is friends with the people I know over there. I forgot his title (beg pardon) but he's high up there.  I had a delightful time and the Tower Of London is a bit ethereal at night. I could almost imagine it lit by torches. Lots of shadowy doorways and roads leading off to other parts of the castle. One can easily imagine murder and lustful encounters.  Anyway....sorry went back there for a moment.  Oh yes, right, USA independence.  I love my country, we are a bit broken right now but I have faith that one day it will once again right itself. So happy birthday America, may our flag fly over us in peace.
     On another note, I write this from my couch, covered in a throw blanket as I am no feeling well. I caught a bug it seems. Same one that was showing itself at work last week. Intestinal issues that make for a crappy long weekend. No pun intended. This combined with the ongoing threat of rain yesterday and today, do not lend oneself to major motivation. Especially when ones plans were really to go out and follow our noses. To a farm stand or two, or perhaps dome fireworks.  The fireworks were supplied by the high school nearby. We can see them bursting into their silvery twinkles. It's nice to be able to sit on your front deck and watch, music playing, and iced tea in hand.  Today has not been great. I feel worse, gave not eaten anything since the plain rice I et last night. Just not hungry. Hubs made me tea thus morning, which was lovely. I'm now enjoying a herbal peach tisane, not a tea as there's no tea leaves in it.  That's right, I know proper terminology LOL I'm getting asked if I want more rice, oatmeal, bagel. No, nothing thank you. Then a hamburger and potato salad crosses my mind but I quickly dismiss the thought. Cuddles helped before. They often do. Here's a secret, I can be a bit needy, especially when I'm not feelin that great. I'm sure I'll feel better soon.
      Besides our country, there's a lot of birthdays today. First and foremost, it is the anniversary of my   Nan's birthday. This is my dad's mother.  Plus a few friends, and my angel of a neighbor. So I have wished them a happy day. Hubs is watching Andrew Zimmern on the Travel Channel. He is entertaining enough.   As soon as hubs gets a job, we are going for sushi. The show on now is showing eel. I like eel. My grandpa ( the one I never met) liked it too. Had to get it from somewhere. My moms idea of fish anything was Cod and Shrimp.  Lol
       I'm really enjoying this peach beverage, love peaches. Did you know that? I love them, and strawberries, kiwis, melon of all types and fresh corn, tomatoes, asparagus, if it wasn't for those hot fresh loves if bread I'd be a lot smaller. hahaha. Mm bread. ( said in best Homer Simpson voice.
I'm debating on watching Game Of Thrones, I have the first 5 seasons on loan. Not sure if I'm into anything that "heavy".
So that's my thrilling weekend weekend. Some very cool stuff coming up, not going to tell but it's worth watching for.   So until next time Ciao For Now