Sunday, November 29, 2015

Weekend Wind Down

     Sunday night and all is well at home. Been a time for a small shopping spree. Spree being defined as Dad and Hubs. Lol. My dad will not buy anything, he has no trouble spending money, he's just not the tape to make purchases, he's a great food shopper but as far as gifts Ho he's a money guy. He's also very hard to buy for. He's stuck in the 1970's. Technology doesn't come into play. Oh he has his cable TV and knows all his channel numbers by heart. We bought him a DVD player years ago and I think it's been used 2x, both times by me. So for dad this year, he's getting a new toaster and coffee maker with a new cool mug. These are practical I know, but he uses them every day, so we know they will be appreciated. We are thinking of a space heater that looks like a radiator also. He keeps his home at about 69 degrees and sometimes the living room and kitchen can be chilly. The upstairs is nice and toasty as heat rises so I'm not worried while he's sleeping. BUT it might be nice to have it near him as he watches tv or has breakfast or eats dinner. I may bring that when I visit on my surprise Christmas visit. I wish I had the money to redo the entire home. New furniture, appliances, an entire new bathroom and have a water closet built on the main floor so he doesn't have to go either up or downstairs. I don't like him climbing all those stairs if he doesn't have to.  Maybe have a cleaning team come in to scrub the cabinets and walls, etc.  If I had a few months to stay there I could do it all myself but a few days every month and a half doesn't cut it.  Ah my dreams. :-)
     So this week is our office gathering also. Making the cocktail meatballs. Some people asked what to bring so I asked them to bring fruit and veg platters. We need something healthy.  Lol. Looking very forward to the upcoming weekend in NYC.  Will be so nice. A bunch of friend at a biergarten, yep yep, good times. I'm also looking forward to going for tea on Sunday, this place uses Yorkshire Gold as their house brand, that's what I'm talkin 'bout!  Their scones are totally yummy too. Food food food, so much, but been really good. Thanksgiving the only terrible thing we ate was the mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie and in reality neither is that bad.  But I'm watching but as I said, I'm not worrying either. BP is good and that's what matters to me. Health above all.
      Going to look for boots, see ya. Hahaha.  Ciao For Now

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

You Have To Create Your Own Amusement

Sometimes, life just gets crazy, work gets nuts and today I swore I was not going to get annoyed or super frustrated at ee's calling in with stupid questions after all if they don't call, I don't  have a job but of course sometimes its hard to do. But today I got through it on a mostly upbeat attitude and to keep sane you amuse yourself. You play little games like when you get that lovely Java spinning circle you try to get the two circles to line in with each other or line up your cursor so it looks invisible, stupid little things  but this was my afternoon glory. I made my self chuckle after I wrote this out

WTF  I made myself laugh at that   HAHAHAHA    I'm a goof  

Ciao babies!!! 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Just A Break

     So our heroine is sitting at her desk munching on a serving of frosted mini wheats.  I prefer eating it this way instead of adding milk. It gets too soggy too quickly and its easier to eat.  I had a cup of tea as soon as I got in but we've been swamped and I jumped into emails as soon as I came in. So now I'm actually having a bit of brekky.  Not been very hungry the last few day, not sure if that's good or bad, LMAO  I was put in charge of our office holiday pot luck. It's like trying to heard cats!  Not the easiest thing in the world to do. Very few people have gotten back to me in regards to what they are bringing.  I myself keep going back and forth on what to make. I think I'm settled on a corn souffle or two. They are easy peezy and OMG so very tasty.  I know we already have butter chicken, beef and rice dish, apple pie, sugar cookies, yep going to be a feast but to be fair there will be at least 35 people coming.  I think I will send out a reminder email, especially since we are off Thursday and most are also off on Friday. I opted to work on Friday as we are going to the in-laws on Thanksgiving and Friday we are open to do emails only so I'm happy to just go, put in the ear buds and knock out emails whilst enjoying my tunes.   :-D
     Yes the holiday are officially upon us I suppose, as I said in my last post, the scents are here. So are the mega displays set up in all the stores and even the grocery stores.  hell they had Christmas candy almost at the same as the halloween candy. Makes me wonder how old the candy actually is. Im not a fan of US candy. I like European chocolate better, its richer, less sweet and more satisfying, to me anyway.  I did see, in the UK section of our really cool grocery store, Terry's oranges. If you've never had one, you need one!! lol
     So yes we finally got our invite to Thanksgiving. I reached out to my SIL and she replied of course you are invited, seems she had asked my BIL a few days back to ask but he hadn't. Backstory, they had helped a bit financially and since then its been weird. I hate that, and the thing is if doesn't have to be. SIGH   But I'm glad we are going, family matters and I have such a small immediate family.  OhOh I am so happy, This trip I was able toget a few extra days off and besides the awesomness of getting to see sis a few extra times I am finally getting to meet up with a good friends wife.  I've known him for many many years but he got married and was living in FL so now they live in Queens near my Dad, and we are all going for tea on that Sunday. Me, sis, her and her oldest boy (at least) are heading to this tearoom that I've been with Sis. To make the trip even better, Dad asked me if i was going to make out his Christmas cards so I figured I would do that the Monday and I told him that we are going out to lunch to this pub called Trinity he likes. Its a nothing special irish pub but its close and friendly locals. he enjoys their cottage pie so I told him lets go AND HE SAID YES!! he never wants to go out, so I told him he can buy me a Guinness.  I'm looking forward to that. May see if Sis wants to come for dinner that night, note to self, ask her  lol
     Well Im going back to work and will end this here, So Ciao For Now

Sunday, November 22, 2015

It's Beginning To Smell ALot Like Holidays LOL

    I have to say I REALLY REALLY love scent. Bath & Body Works, Molten Brown, Pucci, Prada, Kenzo, Balenciaga, Channel, Givenchy, Armani, Yankee candles, perfumed bath products, powders, bubbles, not to forget rain (yes rain), fresh cut grass, flowers, the ocean,cookies baking...somebody stop me!!!  Lol.  
    It's time now for the winter scents I love. Cinnamon, cloves, mixed with pine and cranberries, oranges dotted with cloves as decorations.  Very old tradition. Going on tangent here, but ever wonder why people stick cloves in citrus. Lemons were used back in olden days. Let's face it, dentistry wasn't the best so a gentleman, when courting a lady, offered her a lemon studded with cloves. She would then take it and take one of the cloves to chew on, this would freshen your breath. Then they would have kissed.   Okay I'm back from tangent land.
     Customs and traditions, they do mean something. Scent plays big for me anyway.  All the scents of the holiday.  The scent of different foods cooking, all melding into one delicious smelling symphony. Then walking out into fresh snow, you could smell the freshness, I kid you not.  They can be overwhelming I admit it, too much of anything can be.  But I love these Winter scents, even in perfumes. :-D but that's for another blog.
     I know this is short, so am I. Ha! So ciao for now

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Real Deal

I want to be a positive person, the world is doing its best to prevent this. I could easily crawl into my own little safe world and go mad. I WILL NOT GIVE IN!! I will no longer care if I gain a pound or have one too many cocktails. I will go to work and do my due diligence but Im going to enjoy life as much as possible and not worry what anyone thinks of me. I know right from wrong.  I'm tired of every damn post on Facebook being about refugees, or terror, or humans hating other humans, its the truth and I know this, but as I will deal with all of that, as I cry for the pain the world is going through- I will also remember I am here to make a fucking difference SOMEHOW to SOMEONE or SEVERAL SOMEWHERE.  I will post pictures of my cat or stupid  funny things and people so we dont forget to smile. If we forget that then they have won indeed!!

Monday, November 16, 2015

I Will Not Walk On Eggshells

     At least I will try. This latest attack in Paris was tragic. The killings in Bagdad were also as are all the senseless killing. Paris sticks out as it was like 911.  Not a country under fire but a innocent place. Nothing to make you think of terrorists or death.  I live not far from DC and friends have relatives working in places where they say there is credible threats that may be another 9-11. Scary especially with the holiday season here.  Look I'm cautious and I'm aware but if it's my time to die I will die. If it's at the hand of someone who hates me for my beliefs  at least I know I kept my beliefs. I do not hate anyone of any religion.  These people are not religious. They have hidden behind a religion where even its followers have perished. Religion has caused so many problems, every religion over the years has flexed its muscles. I'm not afraid, I am cautious but I will live my life. I'll still worry about friends, that's just me, always will. Lol.  Just a note from the round chick, who's enjoying cuddles with the kitty right now. Going to go brush her, major purrs coming. Hehe.  Ciao for now

Friday, November 13, 2015


When did life become a throw away? It seems everything is disposable now. Even life itself. People kill do easily. I don't know, maybe it's always been easy, maybe my parents just did a fantastic job of sheltering me from all the evils of this world. Maybe! But I see them, I don't understand them. Oh I get the surface value, but the deep down insides. That's what I have a hard time grasping. People lately are getting bent out of shape for the simplist things. The whole Starbucks red cups thing was just embarrassing for the human race. It was beyond ridiculous.  Children and elderly being mistreated, homeless people, animal abuse, the world has enough real problems.  Take the money you spend on that cup and donate to a shelter or issue of your choice. Much better now. I'm not the smartest person, but I'm not stupid either. I know right from wrong and what is senseless drama. I've gone enough rants in my day. Tonight Paris is in my thoughts, again, throw away life. It makes me feel as I did when NYC was attacked. But I have issues at home that I need to deal with. I have a hubby who drank himself to sleep. Who woke up briefly to say he's hurting and as I watched tears rolling down his face, I felt as helpless as I ever did. I had hoped this had gone away for good but apparently not. He's sleeping again, snoring pretty loudly. I don't mind it, I just wish he'd listen and try going to another dr. but can't force him either.  Oh well.   I'm going to sleep with a heavy heart tonight. Not for me, but for the tragedy in Paris and for my hubby, I wish I could take his pain away. I'm good though. I had a great night with some friends, tasty drinks and laughs. Ah life, you whimsical elf. You have so many faces to show us.  Keep them positive okay?    Ciao For Now

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Sanity Day

     So let's see, it's been awhile. Last week at work was hellish but my check this week is almost a decent check. Lol. So today I took a sanity day. I've done nothing and it's been delightful. I'm feeling a bit scratchy but then everyone at work, sans myself and two others have been sick. There's a respiratory "thing" going around the office. With all my lung issues, I've been very careful. Organic honey, lemon, lots of vitamin C. I am surprised that my BP is up a little. Last time I took it this morning was 155/76. The 76 is fine, it's the 155 I'm concerned about. 120 is "normal" and I've been running under. Perhaps the stress of the week did me in. I'll take it tonight.  Otherwise I'm good.  
     I've been purusing through boards on Pinterest for Christmas ideas. You know ornaments and handmade things to give. I had made my mind up and I think I'm staying with it, the first thoughts are usually the right ones. I need to get myself to the container store to look for a few items. That store is awesome for Christmas wrapping and boxes. Making some madelines too I think. I'm going to ship them overseas, think they will travel well. Oops my English friend now knows a gifte. Lmao I like to bake and these are quite nice with tea.
      I'm feeling a bit depressed today, I am not sure why. I'm missing my friends. Sis is going to see some bands and I'd love to hang with her, miss doing things. Still hoping by next year all is settled here in VA. My dear friend from across the pond is in town for a few more days and I'm not seeing him. I truly miss him, hopefully if he does come in the spring we get a day out. These two people are family to me, the sister and brother I never had. It's raining today so maybe this is not helping my mood but I enjoy the rain. Yeah I'm weird like that. I think it's the not doing anything, it's so fucking frustrating not to have cash to do anything fun. Thankfully bills are paid, but it's the extras that matter sometimes you know?  Ah well, I need to fix MY life, I have lots to think about. I will get it sorted. Think it's the day, cat is being really needy today. Lol I can't go anywhere today without her wanting cuddles, but she's a cutie - so okay. Well peeps, I'm going to appease the kittah, she's nuzzling my iPad. Ciao For Now

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

As Time Goes By

     Tonight is my 3rd day I've worked OT. I will do what I can to get our bills paid. I'm not afraid of work, I am not picking the right 6 lottery numbers, so work it is. LOL
     I find myself with some odd rash on my hands. They itch like a mofo but no idea why. It's crazy. I'm putting eczema cream and coconut oil on them every night, it helps, but the air is getting dryer and I find myself scratching and I know it will go away (it's not like the thing hubs had) but it's just annoying. Someone at work has the same issue. Odd right? Maybe it's something in the work air. No open windows, one reason the colds and flays run wild through the office. Well - it will be beat, I know this.
     So I was going to start reviewing and DIYing. So I just saw that Melissa McCarthy came out with a clothing line.  It's at Lord & Taylors, not the cheapest of places but then again fat girl clothes are not cheap anyway. Not decent ones and many times, yes even if they are not good they can end up costing you big bucks. Flimsy material, ill cut hems. But to find fashionable big gal clothes takes a keen eye.  I like what I like, I have a look. I like tunic style blouses, flowy slacks, boots. I also like lace and a velvety feel. Sis has a great eye too. I love shopping in her closet. Haha. Okay, back the the McCarthy line. Color me underwhelmed. Seemed a bit dowdy.  Not one going to seek out, maybe on a sale.   So Rebel Wilson has a new line as well. This is sold at Torrid. I like this one better. More youthful. Some a bit too much so for me, but the prices are a bit lower so yay for that. I like Tortid and I recently found that there is one at a mall near my home. Awesome! I will keep going to Catherine's for work attire and I like The Avenue. I have good luck there.   Also there are stores I've yet to try, Asos and Modcloth are two. I'll let you know when I get something from them.
    My DIY started as I purchased a big bag of rice ( so inexpensive) to make one of my holiday gifts. No it's not rice pudding hahaha, you will see.  I need to start this weekend in ernest if I am to get them done.
     We have been so busy, to today we had 74 calls in queue at the highest total.  I gave not been on Facebook much and I went in on a break this afternoon and my friend posted herself playing and singing a song. I adored watching this. It really broke through the tense feeling I was getting from all the calls coming in. It took me away for a few minutes. Isn't that what music does though? She's come so far in about 10 months, self taught guitar playing. Excellent. She comes by it honestly, her parents are musically inclined.  They have been feeding us at work also. Bagels, doughnuts, fruits, yogurt, chips.  Nice spreads, so much for going low carb this week.  Hoping to start back on this idea soon. Lol
Well peeps, I'm going to wind down a bit more before sleep.  so Ciao a For Now

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

It's 9:30 (Almost)

     So tonight I was able to leave work at 8 instead of 10, hopefully this holds true for tomorrow. I don't mind the work or the OT, but 12 hour days wear you down. I can use the cash though.
     So my new desk area is not too bad. I teased them, saying, you put a fat girl on the aisle? But it's good. The guy I sit beside us a good guy. He's young but has a good work ethic. Military school does that I imagine. He grows his beard easily and this past weekend he shaved it very close. I was noticing tonight how young he actually looks? It made me feel, I'm not sure. Lol.  I was thinking today of changes. A year makes a big change. This weekend , well Monday actually, it's a year since I flew to England. Lots has changed since then. I'm amazed at how much really. In another year it will change even more. I'm tired and going to bed. It's now 10.00. My tea is finished. Ciao for now peeps

Monday, November 2, 2015

So Monday Is Here and Guess What

The time entry is not going to start until TOMORROW!! This is a good thing as I don't have to wash my hair and can sleep a bit longer in the am. Had a very bad sleep night last night.  I think it was the crap food we ate. I don't mean crap that it tasted bad but crap in that it was not any kind of healthy. here is a pic of the slice of cake that could feed 4. Its at home now with 4 bites taken out, I think its going to last all week  lol
I have not eaten any of the whipped cream and the scary thing is , it HAS NOT melted or lost its shape. Im not touching it. LOL 

OKAY Its 5:42 and they may open the time entry so I, along with 3 others and now staying tonight but only until 8.  Tomorrow is until 10. It will be that way all week  Can you say major OT and since its after 6PM there is another 10% shift diff added on.  I can use it and hubs just texted me asking if I need him to drive over some food.  How sweet of him to ask.  But I think I will just have some cereal maybe , something light when I get home.  I also have apples and a banana at home.  Thats if I even eat, if Im tired i just usually don't eat anything, just have some tea and wind down.  
     I just found out that there is a TORRID near me, big gal store with uber cute stuff.  I am happy about this as I am looking for a neat outfit to wear for my holiday soiree in Dec in NY.  Hopefully everyone will come and we can claim the backroom of the pub and have a great jolly time. I'm looking forward to it. I am taking 4 days , weekend plus 2 vacation days, this way I don't have to rush.     Well peeps, I'm out I need to do some testing for work. Ciao For Now

Quarter To Three

.    No one in the place, except for you & me, so set Em up Joe, I go a little story to tell.   Lmao. That worked out well. Thing is I should be asleep, I've got a day that may go 12 hours tomorrow. I know we are open, wether or not I am staying I'm not sure. There is a new time entry system starting tomorrow, (today), and while it's fairly simple, there will be many calls, I know this.  I had to record a message about it.  Oh yeah, got hot to tell you, I did the phone tree message again. So when you call us, you hear me. :-D
     I have been on the brink of a cold for almost 2 weeks. Everyone at work is sneezing, sniffling and coughing. So far, I've managed to steer clear, but my nose is a little stuffy tonight and I'm feeling stifled. I turned the fan on in the bedroom for circulation of the air. It's better, but I'm craving ice water, something really cold. Ever get like that? It's a not sick yet not sick feeling.  Very annoying indeed. Looking forward to a nice long shower in a few hours.
       Going to head up to NYC in about a month. A friend of mine will be there soon, then off to Asia. Wish him safe journeys. A year ago I was getting ready to go to England. How a year changes things. Ah the cat just came in to investigate my sitting up. And she just jumped on then right off the bed, lol, I'm not very exciting right now.  Actually peeps, just thought I'd say hello. Going to go back to sleep, so ciao for now.