I was sitting tonight watching a little TV and an ad for GNC comes on the air. There is this woman in a hoody and sunglasses saying how great she feels and she is 91 years old. It's showing people at the gym, and swimming and exercising. This older woman says its never too late to get young. She shouts out: Respect yourself!!! Now I am going to the gym, trying to get myself fit BUT I think it was a little harsh for them to say that. It's almost like if you don't do what they are showing you don't respect yourself. SO NOT TRUE!! I do suppose there are people who don't care about themselves in any way shape or form, but I am not one of them. Just because someone doesn't work out or may be overweight, does NOT mean they have no respect for themselves. I ask this, how much respect do those women who go to the gym with hair and make done like they are going to a disco have. They are there to pick up guys. That's fine, but do they respect themselves? I don't know, but the fact that they are at the gym doesn't equate with respect. I go to the gym as I said before and yes I DO respect myself. I respected myself before I went to the gym. Respecting yourself comes from accepting yourself, being the best you can at any age or weight. I just hate the way the media can make you feel, the way it makes our young people ashamed if they look different or even are attracted to someone who does not fit the "NORM" of society. It's a damn shame that we are judged on our looks instead of our abilities. It is slowly changing but not fast enough if you ask me. But I am just voicing my opinion.
Short one tonight folks, so I will say Ciao For Now :-D
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Back To Life, Back To Reality
I felt productive today, which is a good thing. I revamped my resume, sent it out to a few places but I want to send it to a friend of mine so he can look at it. He is an executive and I would like him to tell me what he thinks and give me constructive criticism. I know he will be honest :-) I am just waiting for his reply, I don't want to just send it.
I also got this marshmallowy arse to the gym this afternoon. I know I like larger silhouettes on women but I could make enough smores for the state of Rhode Island. I want to keep a nice round caboose and in actuality it's not that bad, it's the pudge around my arse that joined that party that has to leave. I will be the first to admit that it hurt like hell, my legs and thighs are killing me but I'm glad I went and it felt good. I am going again on Thursday. Making the most out of my days off.
Today I was tracking points on weight watchers and calories on an app a friend told me about, called myfitnesspal. I was under points on WW and way under my calories for the other. I was told I'm not eating enough. LOL Now that is something I do not hear often LOL but I'm not hungry, I am drinking my water as well. I am enjoying my tea as always. It's like when I actively take part and go look at recipes and plan meals I always do better. That's how I lost my initial weight and I have a hunch I'm going to be even better this time. I even pointed out a dessert I've been wanting to make and it's quite low in points and in calories, if I use light cream & real fruit instead of jam. I am talking about a Victoria sponge. Seems sponge and angel food cakes will fill a void on occasion nicely. I will make this for Valentine's day. I'm making a pineapple curry chicken dish for dinner, with a prawn cocktail for our starter. There will be a mixed greens salad with rice wine to sprinkle on it and then the cake along with tea. I think it will be a great meal and though not calorie free it is only a total of about 15 points each for the complete meal. I will count out the calories and let you know the amounts soon. Obviously it will be the day's main meal, I will go to the gym that day as well, burn off a few more calories. Hubs is watching his intake but not as I am. So now that I am home during the day, at least for a little while, I can make good healthy dinners so at least one meal will be good for him. I think it's from watching my Mom, but I enjoy cooking for hubby, and having it ready for him after his work day. I know, very 1940's & 50's, but he works hard and its not such a big thing to do for him (&me, hell I will be eating too LOL). I am a very good cook, problem is I'm an even better baker. On a side note: I used too sell cheesecakes to the folks at hubs office at holiday times. Did good business. hahahaha
I was asked on another website today if I was plus size or skinny? At first I almost wrote a sarcastic remark, so me, but I thought a moment and answered him that the question is relative. What size am I compared to what? So I said, well to many folks thinking, I am very plus size, to others not so much. To society's thinking, well I am so plus size I shouldn't have the right to breathe air. To MY way of thinking I am fine at whatever weight the scale tells me at any given time. Then I said, but to answer your question how you intended, yes I am plus size. I laughed to myself, because if he had looked at my page he would see quotes and photos of me that leave no doubt in ones mind that I am indeed a woman of some substance. He answered with good, he likes that and his ex wife was a large lady. Then he sends another message asking if he can see photos of me in only my panties and then some of me naked! Um....let me think....NO!!!!!! I didn't answer and have not heard a peep out of him again. We've had this in a blog before, I am not a prude and have no problem taking nude photos of myself but they are not public viewing. I give it to the ladies who do and I know the guys all love seeing them and I admit I get jealous of their reactions but its not how they think. I'm jealous that these women have the freedom to do so and I'm sure if I put photos out for all to see many would look and applaud as there is something for every taste, but as I've said, a side hip or a boob with nipple covered is fine but full monty nope. Takes away, for me, the exclusivity of the photos. On the other hand I have no problem taking headshots of myself when I have make up on LMAO oh look here are some I took yesterday, my last day cleaning out my desk.
OMG what a ham I am!!! Believe it or not I can be shy, not usually, but it does occur occasionally.
I am being good because of my health, I want and need to get fit! I am too young to feel old!! Will I falter? I think we know the answer but being in the hospital and whats going on now with me and work has given me the hard kick in the ass I needed - FOR NOW. I may call upon some of you to give me another one down the road. I am not above asking for help when I need it and I of course offer the same to you.
Well guys, I'm ending this now as hubs is leaving for work by 5:45AM tomorrow and as history has proven I will also be up. Maybe I will go to the grocery store, I'm looking for warheads candy to ship overseas, apparently sour candy is in! I offered to supply these BTW, I was not asked to send them, I was only asked if I had heard of them. LOL
Sweet dreams or good morning depending where you are. Ciao For Now
I also got this marshmallowy arse to the gym this afternoon. I know I like larger silhouettes on women but I could make enough smores for the state of Rhode Island. I want to keep a nice round caboose and in actuality it's not that bad, it's the pudge around my arse that joined that party that has to leave. I will be the first to admit that it hurt like hell, my legs and thighs are killing me but I'm glad I went and it felt good. I am going again on Thursday. Making the most out of my days off.
Today I was tracking points on weight watchers and calories on an app a friend told me about, called myfitnesspal. I was under points on WW and way under my calories for the other. I was told I'm not eating enough. LOL Now that is something I do not hear often LOL but I'm not hungry, I am drinking my water as well. I am enjoying my tea as always. It's like when I actively take part and go look at recipes and plan meals I always do better. That's how I lost my initial weight and I have a hunch I'm going to be even better this time. I even pointed out a dessert I've been wanting to make and it's quite low in points and in calories, if I use light cream & real fruit instead of jam. I am talking about a Victoria sponge. Seems sponge and angel food cakes will fill a void on occasion nicely. I will make this for Valentine's day. I'm making a pineapple curry chicken dish for dinner, with a prawn cocktail for our starter. There will be a mixed greens salad with rice wine to sprinkle on it and then the cake along with tea. I think it will be a great meal and though not calorie free it is only a total of about 15 points each for the complete meal. I will count out the calories and let you know the amounts soon. Obviously it will be the day's main meal, I will go to the gym that day as well, burn off a few more calories. Hubs is watching his intake but not as I am. So now that I am home during the day, at least for a little while, I can make good healthy dinners so at least one meal will be good for him. I think it's from watching my Mom, but I enjoy cooking for hubby, and having it ready for him after his work day. I know, very 1940's & 50's, but he works hard and its not such a big thing to do for him (&me, hell I will be eating too LOL). I am a very good cook, problem is I'm an even better baker. On a side note: I used too sell cheesecakes to the folks at hubs office at holiday times. Did good business. hahahaha
I was asked on another website today if I was plus size or skinny? At first I almost wrote a sarcastic remark, so me, but I thought a moment and answered him that the question is relative. What size am I compared to what? So I said, well to many folks thinking, I am very plus size, to others not so much. To society's thinking, well I am so plus size I shouldn't have the right to breathe air. To MY way of thinking I am fine at whatever weight the scale tells me at any given time. Then I said, but to answer your question how you intended, yes I am plus size. I laughed to myself, because if he had looked at my page he would see quotes and photos of me that leave no doubt in ones mind that I am indeed a woman of some substance. He answered with good, he likes that and his ex wife was a large lady. Then he sends another message asking if he can see photos of me in only my panties and then some of me naked! Um....let me think....NO!!!!!! I didn't answer and have not heard a peep out of him again. We've had this in a blog before, I am not a prude and have no problem taking nude photos of myself but they are not public viewing. I give it to the ladies who do and I know the guys all love seeing them and I admit I get jealous of their reactions but its not how they think. I'm jealous that these women have the freedom to do so and I'm sure if I put photos out for all to see many would look and applaud as there is something for every taste, but as I've said, a side hip or a boob with nipple covered is fine but full monty nope. Takes away, for me, the exclusivity of the photos. On the other hand I have no problem taking headshots of myself when I have make up on LMAO oh look here are some I took yesterday, my last day cleaning out my desk.
OMG what a ham I am!!! Believe it or not I can be shy, not usually, but it does occur occasionally.
I am being good because of my health, I want and need to get fit! I am too young to feel old!! Will I falter? I think we know the answer but being in the hospital and whats going on now with me and work has given me the hard kick in the ass I needed - FOR NOW. I may call upon some of you to give me another one down the road. I am not above asking for help when I need it and I of course offer the same to you.
Well guys, I'm ending this now as hubs is leaving for work by 5:45AM tomorrow and as history has proven I will also be up. Maybe I will go to the grocery store, I'm looking for warheads candy to ship overseas, apparently sour candy is in! I offered to supply these BTW, I was not asked to send them, I was only asked if I had heard of them. LOL
Sweet dreams or good morning depending where you are. Ciao For Now
I'm Beat!
Well today went well, I even got kudos from the director. He told me, and one other lady also was made redundant that we are handling this with such a wonderful attitude, and today we were both so helpful as she sent files to her manager and I transferred a bunch of documents to one man who is helping out on the Helpdesk and he had none of them. He told us that he was most grateful for our positive outlooks. On the whole I really had no tears, a few moments when I got misty. I know they would not fire me and this was a business choice, and who knows if I don't find anything by April the hiring freeze should be over and I may get my job back. I am onto broader pastures though, so cross your fingers for me that out there is a company looking for a hard working cherubic short round witch who brings years of experience and will give 100% always. There is I know it!!
I am spent, though from what I have no idea. I'm going to bed. Yesterday's blog was more interesting AND LONGER! So give it read if you haven't. Will be back to normal blogs again
Thanks all of you. Ciao For Now
I am spent, though from what I have no idea. I'm going to bed. Yesterday's blog was more interesting AND LONGER! So give it read if you haven't. Will be back to normal blogs again
Thanks all of you. Ciao For Now
Monday, January 28, 2013
Full Moon and New Starts
Did you see her tonight? The moon I mean. She was shining brightly tonight, this always makes me feel at peace. I love the full moon, it shines with a coolness that illuminates like ice on a pond. There was a stillness out tonight. This is a time approaching new starts. How appropriate for me as I to am starting on a new journey, one I know, I feel, will end wonderfully. Next week this time is the Pagan holiday of Imbolc. Christians and many Wiccans/Witches call it Candlemas. It's a time of various meanings, but it is a time when in legend the Goddess will rise a white serpent from the ground to let all know if Spring is on it's way. Kind of sounds like Groundhogs Day does it not. Yea you would be amazed at how many Pagan ways were incorporated into new fangled ways. Only Groundhog Day is not new, if I remember correctly it was celebrated in Germany and was continued when settlers came to America. Also we can see it is a feast of the earth, new buds may be starting to sprout, it is a time to prepare and even in some places start to plant for the early harvest. It is also the time when sheep will be preparing to have their babies. Imbolc translates to Ewes Milk. It is not uncommon to find all kinds of dairy on an Imbolc alter. Milk, butter, breads are all traditional offerings. It is also a crossover of sorts as in Christianity it is the feast of St. Brigid. To Wiccans/pagans especially of Celtic path (which I am) Brigid is a Goddess of hearth and home. A maiden Goddess, one aspect of the Triple Goddess (Maiden, Mother, Crone) which, on a personal side note, the symbol for this was my first tattoo ever. I was reading some legend and lore earlier and it is said that you leave a piece of clothing out on this night and Brigid will bless it and make it sacred to you. This holiday is also the mid point of the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, at this time of the year we try to find the light once again. I usually buy all my candles I will use in ritual by this time and bless them on the feast night. One day I really would love to make my own but for now they are purchased. I will make a small milk cake, I mean small as both hubs and my self are being good with our eating. (This weekend not withstanding LOL) I am a solitary practitioner now and I do not have to be as formal as some may. I do mark my high holy days in my way. I miss being part of a circle like years back but as with any deity you look towards its your intent, as the Lord & Lady know your heart. Nothing I have said on this is secret, you can find all of it if you do a Google searh but there are the inner workings, things I may do, that I was taught, you will not find online. That is secret. Oh there are rituals written word for word and steps on how to become this or that but I promise you, the real meat & potatoes of the group is not published anywhere. Things are passed down. Books and internet are good places to start though. And PLEASE PLEASE remember that Hollywood loves to sell movies and witches are evil and worship the devil and all that crap. NO WE DO NOT, we don't even believe in the devil, we believe in karma, and taking responsibilities for your actions. Okay let me get off my broomstick as I can rant on about this a lot!! LMAO
But Mary aren't you know out of work? Why yes, yes I am. I was upset, tomorrow (Monday) will be upsetting as Im getting my last things out of my office, computer access will be terminated, I already turned in my badge on Friday. BUT BUT BUT I am not going to dwell on this. There is simply something waiting out there for me to do and I just need to go find it, and I will. If I get lucky and find something right away then perhaps my trip to England will not have to be delayed and I will now have a more open schedule on when I can fly out. On a plane dearies, my broom would never make the trip!! ;-D
Speaking of England I spoke to a lovely young lady and her sister today, we face timed as Skype was being a bit of trouble. My friend's daughters are delightful and I enjoy speaking with them. The younger one, well I just love, I feel akin to her in some ways, don't know why, maybe it's because we both spill things, her laugh is like bells, and she always does when I twitch my nose at her LOL The older daughter is becoming such a beauty, she has these gorgeous huge eyes, like her mother. Beautiful young ladies, both of them. It was a pleasant surprise speaking with them. I also saw their cousin and Aunt. For the life of me i totally forgot the cousin's name and of course remembered it after she had gone. I hope they don't think me too much a twit! hahaha
Had my weigh in today and I lost 4 pounds this week. A friend of mine told me about this plan he is doing and I'm going to start this week, I'm hoping to see more of a loss next week. All in all I'm good, leg is much better although I have that cold everyone is getting and I noticed when it was its worse my leg got a little red, but I suppose its normal. My doctor said to watch it and if it swells or my temp goes above 101 to go to the hospital but none of that happened. My temp at its highest was 99.8 and now its back to my normal of 97.6, yea I run a little cool. But baby I'm hot!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHA
So as you would expect I am signing off now as its after midnight and the alarm goes off at 7AM. So I say good night and as always, Ciao For Now
But Mary aren't you know out of work? Why yes, yes I am. I was upset, tomorrow (Monday) will be upsetting as Im getting my last things out of my office, computer access will be terminated, I already turned in my badge on Friday. BUT BUT BUT I am not going to dwell on this. There is simply something waiting out there for me to do and I just need to go find it, and I will. If I get lucky and find something right away then perhaps my trip to England will not have to be delayed and I will now have a more open schedule on when I can fly out. On a plane dearies, my broom would never make the trip!! ;-D
Speaking of England I spoke to a lovely young lady and her sister today, we face timed as Skype was being a bit of trouble. My friend's daughters are delightful and I enjoy speaking with them. The younger one, well I just love, I feel akin to her in some ways, don't know why, maybe it's because we both spill things, her laugh is like bells, and she always does when I twitch my nose at her LOL The older daughter is becoming such a beauty, she has these gorgeous huge eyes, like her mother. Beautiful young ladies, both of them. It was a pleasant surprise speaking with them. I also saw their cousin and Aunt. For the life of me i totally forgot the cousin's name and of course remembered it after she had gone. I hope they don't think me too much a twit! hahaha
Had my weigh in today and I lost 4 pounds this week. A friend of mine told me about this plan he is doing and I'm going to start this week, I'm hoping to see more of a loss next week. All in all I'm good, leg is much better although I have that cold everyone is getting and I noticed when it was its worse my leg got a little red, but I suppose its normal. My doctor said to watch it and if it swells or my temp goes above 101 to go to the hospital but none of that happened. My temp at its highest was 99.8 and now its back to my normal of 97.6, yea I run a little cool. But baby I'm hot!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHA
So as you would expect I am signing off now as its after midnight and the alarm goes off at 7AM. So I say good night and as always, Ciao For Now
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
When One Door Closes Another Opens Right?
Well peeps today I got the news that I am being laid off, made redundant, sacked, RIF'd , a rose by any other name still means no job after next week. I was not fired which is good so I can apply for unemployment. They got rid of all the supervisors at my job, there are 4 of us. Two for HR and two for Payroll. I spoke to my counterpart in HR and he is trying to be positive and not dwell on it. Same here really and I already have spoke to a few people and am revamping my resume. I will not be leisurely enjoying the days at home, I need to get a new job. I mean we will be okay but I need to work.
I am very bummed out, as my main thing, the ONE THING I wanted beyond everything is now going to have to be halted. I will not be able to go to England now until next year!! Unless I get a new job right away that pays the same or better I still may be able to swing it. I told a young lady I would see her in person this year and she was so happy at the thought of that, and so was I. It pains me to have to tell her it's not going to happen. I cried for a short time when I first heard but no tears now. Sadness, most definitely, but I am not going to let this get me down. much
I am going in tomorrow to sign all the paperwork, then Friday to say goodbye to everyone. I need to go to the unemployment office to get that set up. Then I upload my resume to Linked In and a few other places. Oh man I need to get my shit together as I am a 50 year old overweight (but adorable lol) woman. They are not throwing jobs at my feet, not when the saucy young things are wanting the same jobs. I'm not being all woe is me, I am being a realist. It's something I have dealt with all my life, I'm used to it. Cross your fingers for me, ciao for now
I am very bummed out, as my main thing, the ONE THING I wanted beyond everything is now going to have to be halted. I will not be able to go to England now until next year!! Unless I get a new job right away that pays the same or better I still may be able to swing it. I told a young lady I would see her in person this year and she was so happy at the thought of that, and so was I. It pains me to have to tell her it's not going to happen. I cried for a short time when I first heard but no tears now. Sadness, most definitely, but I am not going to let this get me down. much
I am going in tomorrow to sign all the paperwork, then Friday to say goodbye to everyone. I need to go to the unemployment office to get that set up. Then I upload my resume to Linked In and a few other places. Oh man I need to get my shit together as I am a 50 year old overweight (but adorable lol) woman. They are not throwing jobs at my feet, not when the saucy young things are wanting the same jobs. I'm not being all woe is me, I am being a realist. It's something I have dealt with all my life, I'm used to it. Cross your fingers for me, ciao for now
Sorry Guys
Still feel horrible so no new blog last night again! Just not up to it. You can read SundY nights lol. Last one before I got more sick. I will be back. Ciao
Monday, January 21, 2013
Good Weekend Indeed
Hi all, technically for me I have a long weekend as I am off from work tomorrow. Not because here in the states it's Martin Luther King day or that it is also inauguration day, I simply took the day off so I could come to NY to relax and have a great weekend with friends. As it turned out it didn't quite work out to plans but was really very nice anyway.
I got here about 1AM on Saturday morning (or Friday during the night LOL) as I took the Pennsylvania route instead of my normal as that way was backed up. It is a longer drive but very pretty. Although it was dark so that is really a moot point I suppose. Had a cup of tea with my Dad and then off to bed, and as par for the course I couldn't sleep, and saw my phone say 3AM before zi actually fell asleep. Come the morning I went downstairs to make breakfast for my Dad and also gave him his Christmas gift AND his birthday gift. His B-day is the 29th of Dec. I hadn't seen him since before Thanksgiving.
So now I must tell you of my morning as it does have a point that I will in time get to. I needed to get my nails done and as luck had it I found a place on Yelp that got great reviews, so I said why not. I passed it and all the street parking was taken and I thought oh no, so as I turned to go back (I made a U turn as I was on opposite side of the road) I saw a car leaving and I took that spot. It was directly IN FRONT of the nail salon, how perfect!! I had the owner do my nails and she was wonderful, did such a great job. She finished the entire thing with a shoulder/neck massage that was pure delight.
Then I left to go to the grocery store, some man started to talk to me in the frozen food aisle, nice enough and then later when I went to check out, guess who I'm behind, YUP!!!! He kept talking and was very nice, then this lady behind me starts to talk to me. I noticed about 50 cans of cat/dog food. Turns out she built a shelter in her barn. Her friend who is a vet, together with the lady behind me were taking in stray animals that were the result of Hurricane Sandy, What a nice woman, as it was evident they pay for the food and she said that her friend gives her vet services for free. Such a wonderful thing to do and I told her so. The point i was making is that so many people think of NY people as cold and harsh and I admit many are, but the majority are fine. Got back and made dinner for Dad, myself and my friend who came to visit. It was a pleasant day all around.
Sunday I was tired, happens often as the drive hides the stress for a day. I made breakfast again LOL and went to lay down. When I got up from my nap i saw my leg was red, OH NO So i took aspirin and rubbed lotion all over it. So I spoke to my friend to let her know I thought it best to not go out. I do not want a relapse, but right now it seems better. So I ordered a pizza for dad and me, as real cheesy good NY pizza!!! It was so tasty and Dad liked it to. Then we had tea while we watched Downton Abbey. I came up here to my room and went online and now here I am. So no big get together tonight but the weekend was lovely, calm, quiet and I had a really nice time just talking with my dad. Going through some old pics with him, I put a few on facebook tonight :-D Nice indeed
Well guys I have a long drive ahead of me tomorrow (planning on leaving around half 10) so I'm saying good night and of course Ciao For Now
I got here about 1AM on Saturday morning (or Friday during the night LOL) as I took the Pennsylvania route instead of my normal as that way was backed up. It is a longer drive but very pretty. Although it was dark so that is really a moot point I suppose. Had a cup of tea with my Dad and then off to bed, and as par for the course I couldn't sleep, and saw my phone say 3AM before zi actually fell asleep. Come the morning I went downstairs to make breakfast for my Dad and also gave him his Christmas gift AND his birthday gift. His B-day is the 29th of Dec. I hadn't seen him since before Thanksgiving.
So now I must tell you of my morning as it does have a point that I will in time get to. I needed to get my nails done and as luck had it I found a place on Yelp that got great reviews, so I said why not. I passed it and all the street parking was taken and I thought oh no, so as I turned to go back (I made a U turn as I was on opposite side of the road) I saw a car leaving and I took that spot. It was directly IN FRONT of the nail salon, how perfect!! I had the owner do my nails and she was wonderful, did such a great job. She finished the entire thing with a shoulder/neck massage that was pure delight.
Then I left to go to the grocery store, some man started to talk to me in the frozen food aisle, nice enough and then later when I went to check out, guess who I'm behind, YUP!!!! He kept talking and was very nice, then this lady behind me starts to talk to me. I noticed about 50 cans of cat/dog food. Turns out she built a shelter in her barn. Her friend who is a vet, together with the lady behind me were taking in stray animals that were the result of Hurricane Sandy, What a nice woman, as it was evident they pay for the food and she said that her friend gives her vet services for free. Such a wonderful thing to do and I told her so. The point i was making is that so many people think of NY people as cold and harsh and I admit many are, but the majority are fine. Got back and made dinner for Dad, myself and my friend who came to visit. It was a pleasant day all around.
Sunday I was tired, happens often as the drive hides the stress for a day. I made breakfast again LOL and went to lay down. When I got up from my nap i saw my leg was red, OH NO So i took aspirin and rubbed lotion all over it. So I spoke to my friend to let her know I thought it best to not go out. I do not want a relapse, but right now it seems better. So I ordered a pizza for dad and me, as real cheesy good NY pizza!!! It was so tasty and Dad liked it to. Then we had tea while we watched Downton Abbey. I came up here to my room and went online and now here I am. So no big get together tonight but the weekend was lovely, calm, quiet and I had a really nice time just talking with my dad. Going through some old pics with him, I put a few on facebook tonight :-D Nice indeed
Well guys I have a long drive ahead of me tomorrow (planning on leaving around half 10) so I'm saying good night and of course Ciao For Now
Thursday, January 17, 2013
I Do Like To Stir The Shit Sometimes ;-D
I am talking about the US Constitution, more to the point, the 2nd amendment. The right to bear arms. Now I am not against protecting yourself, hell we have a shotgun in our home. I know former military who have their guns and law officers as well. These people were trained on how to use these automatic weapons and I suppose more to the point now how to keep these safely stored. Of course I hear you saying oh I know how to use one too. I have my feelings on guns, shotguns and even a handgun for protection if you can use it right is fine with me. I see no reason to have an UZI or the like but that's my opinion. I would not shove it down someone's throat. Yet I have a friend on facebook who is so republican if he were to fly his plane would have two right wings. He hates Obama and wanted Romney. I'm getting off my subject of stirring the shit. HEHEHE He put a picture on facebook that read "Our Rights come from God not the Government" So I put: "So
then correct me if I'm wrong but going by this, God never gave us
the right to carry a gun, that is an amendment to the constitution, you
know, government. So then we shouldn't carry guns! Not a law of God" see what I mean, stir, stir, stir, what he says goes right against his support of NOT banning guns. It makes no sense. Ah I love it. I will admit though I really can laugh at myself also. On the same subject but a different take on it a another friend from work put up a pic of a person (I couldn't tell male or female) who look very calm, peaceful, 1970's groovy and the words above the pic said: "Believes laws will prevent illegal sales of guns", and below it said "Smokes Pot" I was like what does one have to do with the other? My hubby turned to look at me with this look of disbelief on his face and started to laugh. I was even more perplexed. He repeated what it said slowly to me then looked right into my eyes and said "THINK about it!" I suddenly got it!! They smoked pot and there are laws against pot - DUH on me!! It took a while but at least I got it! LOL It was kind of funny. The issue is reaching such a high pitch though on both sides. I mean if you live in an area where you need a machine gun in your home, then to me, we have a much bigger issue that we should be concentrating on. I really shouldn't be talking to much about this as I am not very political and I probably sound a little dumb but those are the thoughts in my head.
So tomorrow I am off to NY to see my Dad. SO looking forward to it. Today was such a crazy day. My co supervisor was off, no big deal, but then early this morning my manager called to say that she had a family tragedy happen (we were expecting it) so she would not be in. Then the other manager was so sick she went home about an hour in. Then our director had to leave about an hour later so yes the office was in my total care until about 2 in the afternoon but as far as the HR side, it was only me from 8 to 6:30, yep extra hours so I am a little tired but I felt good tonight. I felt like I really did some good work and that's a great feeling. But because of this and not sure if tomorrow will be a repeat (although the other supervisor will be in) I am really looking forward to seeing Dad and my friends. I'm sure on the way up I will have many an insightful thought that sounds so great and then when I write it down I will look and think - no, that's shite, or worse yet, actually write it and have you all scratching your heads again. OOOH OOOOH good news - no snow so the roads are clear for the drive - yeah!!!
Well I am off to sleep so I will say as I have been known to do.....Ciao For Now
So tomorrow I am off to NY to see my Dad. SO looking forward to it. Today was such a crazy day. My co supervisor was off, no big deal, but then early this morning my manager called to say that she had a family tragedy happen (we were expecting it) so she would not be in. Then the other manager was so sick she went home about an hour in. Then our director had to leave about an hour later so yes the office was in my total care until about 2 in the afternoon but as far as the HR side, it was only me from 8 to 6:30, yep extra hours so I am a little tired but I felt good tonight. I felt like I really did some good work and that's a great feeling. But because of this and not sure if tomorrow will be a repeat (although the other supervisor will be in) I am really looking forward to seeing Dad and my friends. I'm sure on the way up I will have many an insightful thought that sounds so great and then when I write it down I will look and think - no, that's shite, or worse yet, actually write it and have you all scratching your heads again. OOOH OOOOH good news - no snow so the roads are clear for the drive - yeah!!!
Well I am off to sleep so I will say as I have been known to do.....Ciao For Now
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Almost There
Well it's nearing the week's end and I am planning to go up to see my Dad this weekend. So we have been relativity snow free all winter season so far and damn that Murphy and his laws, it's supposed to snow tomorrow with accumulations of anywhere from 2 to 6 inches and the most to happen towards the evening. So there is a good chance that I may have too watch for black ice on my drive up. The weather is going to be below freezing so - oh goodie!!! I am going though, I haven't seen my Dad since before Thanksgiving. AHAHA, speaking of my dad. I called him tonight on my way home from work and he said to me that he couldn't really talk as he was getting ready to go out with his lady tonight. He was positively giddy sounding, it was so cute so I said by and he will have to tell me about it over tea when I get home Friday night. We always have a cup of tea and a quick chat when I arrive there, so I can only imagine this trip. LOL
I have an odd thing going on. Since I have to put aquafor on my leg every night and I don't want to catch any germs, I use a lot of hand sanitizer. I am starting to have the pads of my fingers get really dry and flake a little, so I am using more lotion on them. A few people at work are telling me its the hand sanitizer. That makes sense to me.
I've just decided as I have been typing that I am wearing my new snow boots tomorrow. I bought them and although no name brand, they are cool looking and maybe if I wear them they will ward off the snow. Like if you carry an umbrella it won't rain, or light up a cigarette and the bus comes.
Explain something to me, anyone okay? I bought the 3rd season of Downton Abbey on Itunes and the first 3 are available to download. So they are downloading and now episode 2 and 3 are done but episode 1 is still downloading and says it has 4 hours left. The episode I want to watch is not available but the next two are. Why didn't they load in order, it makes no sense to me? Explain please. I am so hooked on that show, it's addictive and I need to see it but it order. LOL I'm such a girl sometimes!
I am going to do some baking this weekend. My kitchen in NY is so much bigger than my home here. I am planning on a few pound cakes, then I will freeze slices for my dad and he can have cake on hand when he wants a slice. I'm making him meatloaf and he wants me to make my beer bread to go with it, lol. I some beer here that I will bring as he is a Budweiser guy and I like fuller beers. I am bringing my Sam Adams Winter Lager and it should work very well. I like Killians too when I make it. I have to bee good as I am watching my carb and sweet intake. I may have a small slice of beer bread with dinner, dad on the other hand may eat the rest of the loaf. He is a skinny man but he can eat like a horse!! I definitely did NOT get his metabolism. Robust Italian mama metabolism all the way for me ;-)
Peeps I am going to say night night for now and I dont know if I will be posting tomorrow but I will over the weekend, so as always Ciao For Now :-D
I have an odd thing going on. Since I have to put aquafor on my leg every night and I don't want to catch any germs, I use a lot of hand sanitizer. I am starting to have the pads of my fingers get really dry and flake a little, so I am using more lotion on them. A few people at work are telling me its the hand sanitizer. That makes sense to me.
I've just decided as I have been typing that I am wearing my new snow boots tomorrow. I bought them and although no name brand, they are cool looking and maybe if I wear them they will ward off the snow. Like if you carry an umbrella it won't rain, or light up a cigarette and the bus comes.
Explain something to me, anyone okay? I bought the 3rd season of Downton Abbey on Itunes and the first 3 are available to download. So they are downloading and now episode 2 and 3 are done but episode 1 is still downloading and says it has 4 hours left. The episode I want to watch is not available but the next two are. Why didn't they load in order, it makes no sense to me? Explain please. I am so hooked on that show, it's addictive and I need to see it but it order. LOL I'm such a girl sometimes!
I am going to do some baking this weekend. My kitchen in NY is so much bigger than my home here. I am planning on a few pound cakes, then I will freeze slices for my dad and he can have cake on hand when he wants a slice. I'm making him meatloaf and he wants me to make my beer bread to go with it, lol. I some beer here that I will bring as he is a Budweiser guy and I like fuller beers. I am bringing my Sam Adams Winter Lager and it should work very well. I like Killians too when I make it. I have to bee good as I am watching my carb and sweet intake. I may have a small slice of beer bread with dinner, dad on the other hand may eat the rest of the loaf. He is a skinny man but he can eat like a horse!! I definitely did NOT get his metabolism. Robust Italian mama metabolism all the way for me ;-)
Peeps I am going to say night night for now and I dont know if I will be posting tomorrow but I will over the weekend, so as always Ciao For Now :-D
Sorry Y'all
Not feeling up to snuff, just a bit out of sorts last night (it's 7:15 am Wednesday morn now) dinner didn't agree with me but feeling better now. Will have a new blog tonight so stay tuned. Ciao For Now
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Words Of Not Much Wisdom
This is basically and extended version of an email I sent a friend very soon after going to the viewing of the young wife of a man at work, she had an aneurysm and died very suddenly st age 30!
Just left the funeral home. So sad but beautiful at the same time, isn't that odd of me. But when it's someone you don't know and your not grieving or feeling the pain of a loss, you see the serenity of it. Hoe often do prople comment on how calming a cemetary is. Oh I know they scare us in the mobies but really they are well cared plots of land with marble sculpture and some are palatial in manor. I always feel peaceful when I visit my mothers gravesite. Funeral homes are often grand old homes, and I realise this comes off as a bit morose and or macabre as well. Don't we say when looking at the deceased that they look calm and peaceful. They are, pain is gone, no more worries. Which dogma you believe in will dictate what happens but they go to a better place. some believe our loved ones passed slready great us, or we live on vlouds and watch the world go by in bodies comprised of light! I'm thinking that's the Wiccan Witch coming out in me but see we believe you travel to summer land where your spirit or I guess most say soul takes its path towards its next life, taking with it what was learnt in this one that was deemed important. You've heard people say "oh they're an old soul" well some are. Simple and foolish but it gives me hope that one day I might actually live a life where I'm over 5 feet. Lol I'm glib, and all kidding aside, but I tell you when it got quiet tonight it was very peaceful, the sadness was given a run for its money by the feeling of love and friendship. They had favorite music playing and picture slides showing to celebrate her life and it was nice to see.
Again as an outsider. I look at things strangely I know but you allknow by now I'm a bit of a nutter. I look at things differently or at least i try to as sometimes you find that you have been missing out on a good view. I mean no disrespect to anyone and believe me, I cried a river when my Mother died but even so, ask anyone there. There was beauty there, and that peace. Like I said when you have a loss it hurts like hell, we are sad, we miss those we love, we want them to be there. I agree with all of this, I'm not that crazy. I sometimes feel too much and I cry very easy but we are part of nature. All of nature is born and dies. Again bring Wiccan I believe we come back as do the flowers and trees and as babies are born to start their journey. I wish this young woman a peaceful journey that she may rest in peace and she is met by her Diety and know she will always be loved. I hope those who love her allow their grief and let the tears cleanse them to give way to memories that will live and keep her with them. Her husband, well I wish him peace in his heart, knowing how beautiful that he was with her, in time hopefully it wil comfort him as I'm sure right now his heart is broken, may HIS memories be the glue to mend it. I go off on such tangents and I'm afraid I did again. Many of you are shaking your head thinking I'm such an ass for all I've spewed out, but I hope some of you can understand. I am not stupid and yes I get a bit poetic st times but know this. I am also very greedy and as I can and do see the silver lining with this I am like I just said greedy and selfish and want those I love to always be there! So yes I am human just one a little left of Center. Don't hate me for it, I would hate that. Simply Ciao For Now peeps. Tell those you love you live them And do send flowers now while they can see and smell and enjoy them. There I ended it poetic :-D
PS. My phone is acting up tonight so please forgive the one long paragraph and grammar errors if you read it before I can fix it.
Again as an outsider. I look at things strangely I know but you allknow by now I'm a bit of a nutter. I look at things differently or at least i try to as sometimes you find that you have been missing out on a good view. I mean no disrespect to anyone and believe me, I cried a river when my Mother died but even so, ask anyone there. There was beauty there, and that peace. Like I said when you have a loss it hurts like hell, we are sad, we miss those we love, we want them to be there. I agree with all of this, I'm not that crazy. I sometimes feel too much and I cry very easy but we are part of nature. All of nature is born and dies. Again bring Wiccan I believe we come back as do the flowers and trees and as babies are born to start their journey. I wish this young woman a peaceful journey that she may rest in peace and she is met by her Diety and know she will always be loved. I hope those who love her allow their grief and let the tears cleanse them to give way to memories that will live and keep her with them. Her husband, well I wish him peace in his heart, knowing how beautiful that he was with her, in time hopefully it wil comfort him as I'm sure right now his heart is broken, may HIS memories be the glue to mend it. I go off on such tangents and I'm afraid I did again. Many of you are shaking your head thinking I'm such an ass for all I've spewed out, but I hope some of you can understand. I am not stupid and yes I get a bit poetic st times but know this. I am also very greedy and as I can and do see the silver lining with this I am like I just said greedy and selfish and want those I love to always be there! So yes I am human just one a little left of Center. Don't hate me for it, I would hate that. Simply Ciao For Now peeps. Tell those you love you live them And do send flowers now while they can see and smell and enjoy them. There I ended it poetic :-D
PS. My phone is acting up tonight so please forgive the one long paragraph and grammar errors if you read it before I can fix it.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Another Weekend Gone
Well peeps it's almost 11PM and I will tell you my Sunday night was not spent watching the golden globe awards, no no, I was watching Downtown Abbey. Damn but Mr. Bates can't catch a break! Now the rest of my weekend was well, really nice. I am not sure if it was the fact that I was really sick back there for awhile or divine intervention but hubs has been quite attentive this weekend. Not that I'm complaining mind you and it was a very nice change. We had a lovely dinner Saturday night at this cool little place that I read about on Trip Adviser and it was a great find. It's called The Wine Cellar in Leesburg VA. hopefully another visit is in the cards. Today we went for breakfast, I have no clue if this is my hubby, or if it's a pod that was placed there by Aliens, but I'll take it. LMAO I know you're wondering, yes we had adult time too, hubs and wives do that, and again, it's a nice change. Okay I'm not going to tell tales but at one point he was nibbling (oh come on - we are all adults here!!) and I told him not to play so hard and he said if I taste milk I'll stop. I replied "oh please at this point it would be powdered milk!!" We laughed.
It's nice to be able to laugh at any moment in time, don't you think so?
I am not looking forward to tomorrow night though. After work I am going to the wake, for the wife of the man at work. The one I mentioned in the other blog. At least all the other people from work will be going as well. I already have my dark color ensemble ready to wear. Sigh So sad!
I'm going to get a bit dreamy here if I can, and it's my blog so yes I can :-D
I was thinking today that it's kind of nice having something that we keep private and don't tell. We all do, and it can be anything, the possibilities are many. I know I do, and today my mind went to them so strongly that I could taste it!! Things that make me smile and feel so wonderful that it's hard to put into words. Have you ever had those kind of wonderful thoughts? Have you ever wondered if anyone thought of you that way? Have you ever thought that someone you met, could years from now look back and remember you and that you had effected them somehow. I would expect teachers hope so, just to name one of the possibilities. So many others. I like to think I am thought about at random times and cause a smile on someone's face for whatever reason. It's wonderful, I'm rambling and here is a fine example of something that sounded so much better in my head than after I wrote it down. (TANGENT WARNING - BEEP BEEP - kind of) Ever see the movie National Treasure, that scene when they are buying the new clothes and she says to Gates that no one talks that way anymore and he says I know but they think it! That is just so me. In my head the words make this roundabout wonderful poignant point but in reality it just makes most people scratch their head and ask what does she mean. I believe truly deep in my heart that there ARE a rare few that do know what I mean. At least I hope so :-D
I think sometimes I know why those animals in cages pace back and forth. They have so much going on in them that if they don't move they will burst. I feel that way sometimes and more so when I'm having good days. It's like I'm this huge solar panel sucking up the sun to store the energy for when it's raining out. I want to share the personal high I'm feeling, to send sparks out to everyone, there is reason to be happy, to be excited, there are always things to look forward to. Even with grim experiences hopefully something good happens, even if it takes some time. It really does sometimes too, doesn't it? This is also the reason I feel I couldn't be a "serious" writer. Oh I have stories I can think up, instantly if I must, but I am all over the place for any kind of actual novel. I'd have the reader so confused it would be like watching a Quentin Tarantino movie from the middle to the end then watching the beginning. They are sometimes hard enough to understand from the start! LMAO So me I swear!! hehe
Now that I have you all terribly wibbly wobbly topsy turvy, I will say good night :-D (Meanie that I am) Until next time I will say, Ciao For Now
It's nice to be able to laugh at any moment in time, don't you think so?
I am not looking forward to tomorrow night though. After work I am going to the wake, for the wife of the man at work. The one I mentioned in the other blog. At least all the other people from work will be going as well. I already have my dark color ensemble ready to wear. Sigh So sad!
I'm going to get a bit dreamy here if I can, and it's my blog so yes I can :-D
I was thinking today that it's kind of nice having something that we keep private and don't tell. We all do, and it can be anything, the possibilities are many. I know I do, and today my mind went to them so strongly that I could taste it!! Things that make me smile and feel so wonderful that it's hard to put into words. Have you ever had those kind of wonderful thoughts? Have you ever wondered if anyone thought of you that way? Have you ever thought that someone you met, could years from now look back and remember you and that you had effected them somehow. I would expect teachers hope so, just to name one of the possibilities. So many others. I like to think I am thought about at random times and cause a smile on someone's face for whatever reason. It's wonderful, I'm rambling and here is a fine example of something that sounded so much better in my head than after I wrote it down. (TANGENT WARNING - BEEP BEEP - kind of) Ever see the movie National Treasure, that scene when they are buying the new clothes and she says to Gates that no one talks that way anymore and he says I know but they think it! That is just so me. In my head the words make this roundabout wonderful poignant point but in reality it just makes most people scratch their head and ask what does she mean. I believe truly deep in my heart that there ARE a rare few that do know what I mean. At least I hope so :-D
I think sometimes I know why those animals in cages pace back and forth. They have so much going on in them that if they don't move they will burst. I feel that way sometimes and more so when I'm having good days. It's like I'm this huge solar panel sucking up the sun to store the energy for when it's raining out. I want to share the personal high I'm feeling, to send sparks out to everyone, there is reason to be happy, to be excited, there are always things to look forward to. Even with grim experiences hopefully something good happens, even if it takes some time. It really does sometimes too, doesn't it? This is also the reason I feel I couldn't be a "serious" writer. Oh I have stories I can think up, instantly if I must, but I am all over the place for any kind of actual novel. I'd have the reader so confused it would be like watching a Quentin Tarantino movie from the middle to the end then watching the beginning. They are sometimes hard enough to understand from the start! LMAO So me I swear!! hehe
Now that I have you all terribly wibbly wobbly topsy turvy, I will say good night :-D (Meanie that I am) Until next time I will say, Ciao For Now
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Sobering thoughts
Today at work we found that one of our reps had a personal tragedy, his wife died unexpectedly. She had a migraine 2 days ago, the hospital sent her home and then bam, she had an aneurism! Dead at 31!! I was shocked when I heard the news. It brought tears to my eyes right away, I always think of all my family and friends and just want to hug them and kiss them and let them know I love them as we never know what will happen in life. I'm a bit over the top sometimes :-) but it is so sad, and I am so sorry for him!
I am hungry tonight. I didn't eat much today and although I haven't eaten cakes or cookies, I actually had a grilled chicken salad and some plain pop corn for a treat I think I ate more pop corn than I should have. It's not terrible for you but I have no clue as to why I feel like this but all in all still a good food day. Saturday is the gym, yay. I will let you know how that goes LOL
Peeps I really have not a lot to say tonight so I am going to say night night. I am going to make friends with my pillow. So until next time,,,,,Ciao For Now
I am hungry tonight. I didn't eat much today and although I haven't eaten cakes or cookies, I actually had a grilled chicken salad and some plain pop corn for a treat I think I ate more pop corn than I should have. It's not terrible for you but I have no clue as to why I feel like this but all in all still a good food day. Saturday is the gym, yay. I will let you know how that goes LOL
Peeps I really have not a lot to say tonight so I am going to say night night. I am going to make friends with my pillow. So until next time,,,,,Ciao For Now
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Not Bad At All
Well my first day back to work went well. It did take all morning to sort through all of the emails as there was a total of over 300! A lot of spam though, from things I have ordered from online and used my work email. I got through that and was briefed on some of the new things going on. One thing I felt bad for the reps was that they changed lunch for them to only a half hour. I also found out that one of the better reps will be leaving this Friday, but it happens. It was nice to see everyone again and all the welcome backs made me admittedly feel good. It also was nice to hear more than one person say "Hey you've lost weight!" Yes yes I have :-) I am going to keep working at it, we know I have plans! LOL
I am not as tired as a few folks said I may be, but of course I spend quite a bit of time sitting on my rear end. I get up on purpose to walk around to keep the butt checks from getting any flatter. I have that Irish but but luckily my Italian does give them a curve at the underneath, thank the gods for that!! The new sweater I bought is a little looser than I though it would be and I like that. I felt pretty today, nice new sweater, new slacks and shoes. I am indeed a little tired but not much more than normal. This weekend I am heading out to the gym, give my Nikes a workout as well as myself. I want to sweat too, as half of the office is hacking and sneezing. Everyone is sick and the last thing I need is a cold!! My immune system is weak right now, so I'm thinking a good way to get the toxins out is to sweat them out. I am going to take a lovely steam too while I'm there. Of course I will shave my right leg and most of my left HAAHAHA I mean that I can't really shave the calf area of my left leg yet but luckily there is no real visible hair there. Guess the infection prevented hair from growing in that area, how odd the body can be. I am not going to be a lean mean fighting machine by any stretch but I WILL be a short sweet chubby petite!! LMAO I will get to my size 16 and then the boobs will be purchased. They won't be here for at least a few years as that surgery will have to paid for all by me! It's on my list for sure. Oh how I wish I could just take the fat from my tummy and put it all in my boobs, so not fair that they can't do that. I'd be real popular! hahahaha
Of the things we plan for, and what actually gets done. I am hoping for at least 80% of what I want to come to fruition, and I know it will! Peeps, I am going to make a cup of tea, and just relax then go to bed. So I will say to you all - Ciao For Now
I am not as tired as a few folks said I may be, but of course I spend quite a bit of time sitting on my rear end. I get up on purpose to walk around to keep the butt checks from getting any flatter. I have that Irish but but luckily my Italian does give them a curve at the underneath, thank the gods for that!! The new sweater I bought is a little looser than I though it would be and I like that. I felt pretty today, nice new sweater, new slacks and shoes. I am indeed a little tired but not much more than normal. This weekend I am heading out to the gym, give my Nikes a workout as well as myself. I want to sweat too, as half of the office is hacking and sneezing. Everyone is sick and the last thing I need is a cold!! My immune system is weak right now, so I'm thinking a good way to get the toxins out is to sweat them out. I am going to take a lovely steam too while I'm there. Of course I will shave my right leg and most of my left HAAHAHA I mean that I can't really shave the calf area of my left leg yet but luckily there is no real visible hair there. Guess the infection prevented hair from growing in that area, how odd the body can be. I am not going to be a lean mean fighting machine by any stretch but I WILL be a short sweet chubby petite!! LMAO I will get to my size 16 and then the boobs will be purchased. They won't be here for at least a few years as that surgery will have to paid for all by me! It's on my list for sure. Oh how I wish I could just take the fat from my tummy and put it all in my boobs, so not fair that they can't do that. I'd be real popular! hahahaha
Of the things we plan for, and what actually gets done. I am hoping for at least 80% of what I want to come to fruition, and I know it will! Peeps, I am going to make a cup of tea, and just relax then go to bed. So I will say to you all - Ciao For Now
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Bring It!!
Well my alarm is all set, my clothes are laid out and my doctor's note saying I can go back to work is in my purse! I am ready for tomorrow. I am amused as this will be my first day on the new schedule also. It went into effect the day I went into the hospital, Dec. 10th!
Today has been a good day! Had some great things occur and I'm feeling so much better than I have been. I will be overtaking the bathroom tonight as I am giving myself a facial and I didn't get my eyebrows waxed like I wanted to, but I'm going to lighten them tonight then I can get them waxed Saturday. I finally feel almost 100% put together.
I was talking with my sis in law and she has started Nuti-System. I had been curious about that. She said the food is not bad at all. That's the thing I was thinking about since you eat their food. What about when you eat your own food again. How is the transition? I wish her luck and she said she signed up for 3 months. Will see how much I lose compared to her.
Well it's a short one tonight peeps. Like me lol ciao for now
Today has been a good day! Had some great things occur and I'm feeling so much better than I have been. I will be overtaking the bathroom tonight as I am giving myself a facial and I didn't get my eyebrows waxed like I wanted to, but I'm going to lighten them tonight then I can get them waxed Saturday. I finally feel almost 100% put together.
I was talking with my sis in law and she has started Nuti-System. I had been curious about that. She said the food is not bad at all. That's the thing I was thinking about since you eat their food. What about when you eat your own food again. How is the transition? I wish her luck and she said she signed up for 3 months. Will see how much I lose compared to her.
Well it's a short one tonight peeps. Like me lol ciao for now
Monday, January 7, 2013
One Day More
Alas no, I have not seen Les Mis yet at the cinema but I plan to this coming weekend. I used that as I have one more day before I go back to work. I can't freakin' wait! I went there tonight to get some things I had stashed there so I hopefully will get to the post office tomorrow.
I went shopping today, I found some good sales. I bought a really pretty sweater, jumper to some of you, that was on sale 50% off lowest price. It was nice at the 60 dollar price tag, very nice at the 45 dollar price marked and downright gorgeous at the price of 22.50 dollars which I paid! I also got two pair of slacks. Which amuse me as I get the petite length. Now that is of course for shorter folks like myself. But damn if those suckers STILL need to be hemmed up slightly. I'm fookin' short legged! Growing up I never wore bell bottoms, as after they were hemmed to my length they were always straight legs! Sigh!! I loved this one pair of platform shoes I had in 1980. I actually was able to have a decent length pant as when I took the shoes off I had about 4 inches of material under my foot! Lol
I also bought a lacy black and gold top to wear to a function I'm going to end of this month in NY. Looking forward to it, will get to see some friends and some good atmosphere, music and food. What can be better? I have lost 12 pounds since I went into the hospital, not the best way to lose but hell I'll take it. I am less than I was in February last year, but I should be a lot less. Hey like I said, I am not freakin out, just going to stay the course. I am more confident as of late. Maybe feeling like total shit for almost a month has made me realize again that yes I am quite attractive. I can be big and sexy!! I am as a matter if fact. Maybe it's the haircut or the fact I bought new clothes AND new shoes but today I feel on fire! I'm also super horny. Lol. My mind has been wandering, lovely memories playing in my thoughts! Yes I'm feeling better. Even hubs got "thanked" yesterday. ( oh man I'm blushing at that!) hey I'm allowed, I'm allowed all of it! I just finally feel that 2013 is going to be great!! I sure hope so! Hope it is for everyone!!!
Okay I'm tired so I am going to say as I always do - Ciao For Now
I went shopping today, I found some good sales. I bought a really pretty sweater, jumper to some of you, that was on sale 50% off lowest price. It was nice at the 60 dollar price tag, very nice at the 45 dollar price marked and downright gorgeous at the price of 22.50 dollars which I paid! I also got two pair of slacks. Which amuse me as I get the petite length. Now that is of course for shorter folks like myself. But damn if those suckers STILL need to be hemmed up slightly. I'm fookin' short legged! Growing up I never wore bell bottoms, as after they were hemmed to my length they were always straight legs! Sigh!! I loved this one pair of platform shoes I had in 1980. I actually was able to have a decent length pant as when I took the shoes off I had about 4 inches of material under my foot! Lol
I also bought a lacy black and gold top to wear to a function I'm going to end of this month in NY. Looking forward to it, will get to see some friends and some good atmosphere, music and food. What can be better? I have lost 12 pounds since I went into the hospital, not the best way to lose but hell I'll take it. I am less than I was in February last year, but I should be a lot less. Hey like I said, I am not freakin out, just going to stay the course. I am more confident as of late. Maybe feeling like total shit for almost a month has made me realize again that yes I am quite attractive. I can be big and sexy!! I am as a matter if fact. Maybe it's the haircut or the fact I bought new clothes AND new shoes but today I feel on fire! I'm also super horny. Lol. My mind has been wandering, lovely memories playing in my thoughts! Yes I'm feeling better. Even hubs got "thanked" yesterday. ( oh man I'm blushing at that!) hey I'm allowed, I'm allowed all of it! I just finally feel that 2013 is going to be great!! I sure hope so! Hope it is for everyone!!!
Okay I'm tired so I am going to say as I always do - Ciao For Now
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Odd Note
Talking with hubs right now, as he just felt with me having yet another cry session, he's telling me to try and sleep. I tell him to do the same and then tell him he talks in his sleep sometimes. He knew that and recorded it once he said. I asked what he said, turns out it was a physics equation. I asked if I talk on my sleep. He said I whimper sometimes. I said that's not good. He replied - " I rub your ass and you stop!" Good to know! That's it, random I know, off with you, Ciao!
Is It Doldrums, Or Just Boring?
I find it interesting that when we feel not quite ourselves many times we call for our mothers. I know for myself I find my thoughts very strong of mine today. I am on the mend with my infection, wonderfully so, but for some reason my general feeling is a bit less than what I would hope for. I find that I wake up and as I start to move about I get a bit dizzy, yes more than I usually am. LOL I get tired very easily as well. My short jaunts out to get nails or hair done, or to the grocery store find me taxed beyond what they should. The hubs says its pretty normal, considering that for the better part of a month I was in a bed and not mobile. I suppose he is right, but I am not liking this feeling. I am not my normal self. I know this, and it's hard to explain to someone who does not know how I feel. Last night we went out to dinner. Nothing fancy, but a nice little place by us, and I had a delicious Kobe beef burger with cheddar cheese and sauteed onions. It was juicy and cooked medium rare. The meal was delicious (although I know I said less red meat this year - irony is my middle name lol) We got home and I got sick. I felt horrible and finally fell asleep, to awaken to a sensitive stomach sort of day. I don't get sick from a hamburger. Especially not a Kobe beef one. I feel like a baby needing to learn to walk again. What the hell happened to my system? I can't possibly be this weak a person! Which brings me to my Mother. I miss her today, I want to lay in her arms and have her tell me all will be fine. To have a cup of tea that she made for me, which always was perfect! I can feel her sweater and smell her perfume, she left me too soon. Selfish of me I know but I can't help it sometimes.
I am looking forward to going back to work later this week. I'm hoping that getting back into my routine will help me feel more "normal", getting my hair and nails done really didn't do anything in this regard. (although I look a sight better than I did before they were done, in my opinion anyway)
Am I alone in this? Does anyone else feel like a child when they feel really ill? I know that a few of you are not well right now, does any of what I'm saying sound familiar at all? Or am I just a spoiled little girl? I'm not asking for special treatment because of being sick but it IS a nice memory and why not be a little special when not well. I know when my hubby is ill I try to always make him his tea, or get him something special, even if it's just laying down with him and keeping things calm around him. I am SO over being ill though and I think that's the main issue - I just want to be back to 100% as soon as possible. I know I will be as normal as I can ever be but I want it yesterday! I'm such a patient biatch at times hahahaha
I am pleasantly wasting my time watching a series called "Downton Abbey". I love it! I say wasting time being very tongue in cheek, it's not a waste of course, but I'm taking advantage of my down time, may be a better way of phrasing it. I am enjoying the characters, some I do not care for and others I truly feel for, my "sister from another mister" called it, she told me I would get hooked and I have. All I have written here has been my weekend, that rounded out with a trip to Target to buy a new shower curtain and some socks completes my social activities. I am so exciting the cat just yawned in my face before looking for a cuddle. She is now curled up at the end of my bed. It's hard to tell which of us has the more exciting existence at the moment? I have opposible thumbs so I think I will say me. LOL
I think I am going to go for a walk down to the mailbox and see if there is anything there since I didn't go yesterday. Ye Gods is there no end to the excitement!!?? hehehe Oh not to worry, as soon as I'm feeling up to snuff I will be making more excitement, you see I have too, it's who I am and it's my nature, so stay tuned. Contrary to the first few of my posts, this included, I have a feeling 2013 is going to be a very very good year!! :-D So Ciao For Now peeps, Ciao For Now
I am looking forward to going back to work later this week. I'm hoping that getting back into my routine will help me feel more "normal", getting my hair and nails done really didn't do anything in this regard. (although I look a sight better than I did before they were done, in my opinion anyway)
Am I alone in this? Does anyone else feel like a child when they feel really ill? I know that a few of you are not well right now, does any of what I'm saying sound familiar at all? Or am I just a spoiled little girl? I'm not asking for special treatment because of being sick but it IS a nice memory and why not be a little special when not well. I know when my hubby is ill I try to always make him his tea, or get him something special, even if it's just laying down with him and keeping things calm around him. I am SO over being ill though and I think that's the main issue - I just want to be back to 100% as soon as possible. I know I will be as normal as I can ever be but I want it yesterday! I'm such a patient biatch at times hahahaha
I am pleasantly wasting my time watching a series called "Downton Abbey". I love it! I say wasting time being very tongue in cheek, it's not a waste of course, but I'm taking advantage of my down time, may be a better way of phrasing it. I am enjoying the characters, some I do not care for and others I truly feel for, my "sister from another mister" called it, she told me I would get hooked and I have. All I have written here has been my weekend, that rounded out with a trip to Target to buy a new shower curtain and some socks completes my social activities. I am so exciting the cat just yawned in my face before looking for a cuddle. She is now curled up at the end of my bed. It's hard to tell which of us has the more exciting existence at the moment? I have opposible thumbs so I think I will say me. LOL
I think I am going to go for a walk down to the mailbox and see if there is anything there since I didn't go yesterday. Ye Gods is there no end to the excitement!!?? hehehe Oh not to worry, as soon as I'm feeling up to snuff I will be making more excitement, you see I have too, it's who I am and it's my nature, so stay tuned. Contrary to the first few of my posts, this included, I have a feeling 2013 is going to be a very very good year!! :-D So Ciao For Now peeps, Ciao For Now
Thursday, January 3, 2013
This exclamation of joy is due to the fact that my tether (aka PICC line) was taken out this morning. No more IV meds for me. I can't tell you how freeing it feels. I know its silly but to have that line in me just made me feel kind of robotic. It's dumb I know but here was a line in me that hooked up to another line I prepared every day, twice a day, and administered liquid antibiotics to my system, like a robot getting an oil change. Told ya - dumb! LOL Now though I AM DONE!!! YAY I go back to work next week (Wednesday) and that is good as right now this week I am on FMLA which means no pay as I've used all my sick and vacation time up. I like my job and when I told my manager today she was very happy I am coming back. It was nice to hear. :-) So all looks promising and I am feeling SO much better. I even went out this afternoon and got my nails done. Tomorrow I have an appointment at the hair salon as well. Hey I need to get myself back on track, right? A lady likes to do what she can to look pretty, and I need a complete overhaul after almost a month of being ill. I may even buy some new slacks over the weekend. Oh she is on fire!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHA
I sat myself down this afternoon and wrote out an eating plan for myself. Not a crazy diet but a healthy one. One that I can follow and one that does allow an occasional treat but mostly has good proteins and has very little red meat. More chicken and fish, and of course lots of veg. Hubs loves fish so this weekend we will be having some lovely salmon en papillote, with leeks and fennel to add flavor, the recipe looks divine and I can't wait to try it. I am going to try to be more creative with salads and use spices and herbs more. Only fast food allowed will be from Chick-fil-A as they have a very nice grilled chicken salad. I tend to eat a lot of the same thing when I watch my intake and I get bored, so I am going to do my best NOT to get bored! Like I've said this is my life and I will always have a weight issue and I am fine with it. I am not going to obsess and I know I will lose and get more fit, I have to! This is THE year I head overseas and I have to keep my promise that I will walk to the places my friend said he has picked out to show me. I want to enjoy my visit and I don't want to break a promise to a friend (or myself). So here's to me ;-)
I tell ya hubs has been so wonderful during all of this, I have to think of something to do for him. Yea yea, I don't mean that way, you naughty people. HEHE that's a given ;-) I think I will get him a few of a certain cigar he really enjoys. They are about $15.00 each so he rarely gets them. Yep I decided - that's what I will do! I was supposed to go see a friend's band play this coming weekend but I'm not sure I'm going to be able to. They are a classic rock band and he's very good. They have a good sound and I want to be there to support their first gig. I have to check if the gal near me is going and I could hitch a ride with her. We shall see. Well I just wanted to share my happiness today about getting untethered. I will leave you here until next we meet. I say as always, Ciao For Now
I sat myself down this afternoon and wrote out an eating plan for myself. Not a crazy diet but a healthy one. One that I can follow and one that does allow an occasional treat but mostly has good proteins and has very little red meat. More chicken and fish, and of course lots of veg. Hubs loves fish so this weekend we will be having some lovely salmon en papillote, with leeks and fennel to add flavor, the recipe looks divine and I can't wait to try it. I am going to try to be more creative with salads and use spices and herbs more. Only fast food allowed will be from Chick-fil-A as they have a very nice grilled chicken salad. I tend to eat a lot of the same thing when I watch my intake and I get bored, so I am going to do my best NOT to get bored! Like I've said this is my life and I will always have a weight issue and I am fine with it. I am not going to obsess and I know I will lose and get more fit, I have to! This is THE year I head overseas and I have to keep my promise that I will walk to the places my friend said he has picked out to show me. I want to enjoy my visit and I don't want to break a promise to a friend (or myself). So here's to me ;-)
I tell ya hubs has been so wonderful during all of this, I have to think of something to do for him. Yea yea, I don't mean that way, you naughty people. HEHE that's a given ;-) I think I will get him a few of a certain cigar he really enjoys. They are about $15.00 each so he rarely gets them. Yep I decided - that's what I will do! I was supposed to go see a friend's band play this coming weekend but I'm not sure I'm going to be able to. They are a classic rock band and he's very good. They have a good sound and I want to be there to support their first gig. I have to check if the gal near me is going and I could hitch a ride with her. We shall see. Well I just wanted to share my happiness today about getting untethered. I will leave you here until next we meet. I say as always, Ciao For Now
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Day 2 - So Far, So Good
Well here it is, 4:30am on Jan. 2nd. I have to tell ya so far it doesn't feel much different from 2012. I suppose there are some changes. I am very pleased to say that my leg is almost back to its normal size although it looks burnt at calf level all the way around. It's still warm to the touch but no where near what it was a few weeks ago. I have a doctor visit on Thursday, I think I mentioned that already, so I am hoping its good news as this IV is getting very boring! I know that I have been overly self absorbed in this, and I beg pardon, but I never have had anything this bad. I had MRSA a year and a half ago but it was a week of pills and buh-bye! This was really bad and what annoys me, and I suspect the infectious disease docs as well, is they have no clue what type of bacteria this was, since they weren't able to get a culture until it was too late. The blisters that formed then broke were mainly water, so this will be chalked up to a super bug I'm sure. It would be for a 12 day hospital stay. Well I do like to think of myself as a woman of some mystery (although a rare few know me like the back of their hand).
So 2013 is now officially here, and I do have plans for this year. England is one of them. The biggest!! What sucks is that I'm not going to be able to get tickets until February, as I need to keep the bank account padded for hospital bills, but I WILL get them. I don't make resolutions, I think that when you want to make changes to any part of yourself, or surroundings, you do it! No need to wait for a special day. That is a cop out, and allows you to be "bad" for a few more days before you set your changes in motion. Mine if course will always be weight, but I came to terms with that long back. I will say if any good came out if this illness, I have lost about 10 pounds. Now some may come back once I start eating regular, but it should mainly stay off. I'm not very hungry, since the meds make me nauseated more times than not. Plus I'm not doing anything!!! I actually said to the Hubs tonight that I so want to go for a walk! My legs are getting weak from non use, it's amazing how you can tell! So I suppose my "resolution" will be making the most of my gym membership this year.
I was talking to Dad yesterday, wishing him a Happy New Year, and he was so cute. Telling me that he got a few kisses from his lady friend. He loves telling me and I think it's cute, I love teasing him that he's a silver stud and it's so good to hear him laugh! Of course there is another part of me that is totally grossed out at the thought of him in any amorous form, BUT, I had to get it from somewhere! Who knew!? He was telling me stories of how he and his group of friends ( all but 2 are now gone but he's known them over 75 years!!) would go to the dances at the youth centers and clubs in Manhattan, all dressed in suits and they would find a table of girls and ask them to join them. My Dad told me that his good friend Jack (still breathing lol) had kind of liked this one girl but she kept talking to my Dad. Jack got annoyed at told my Dad to back off and my Dad was like "hey, she's talking to me, I didn't start it. He said that Jack got over it fast. Bros before hoes as the saying goes, NOT that these girls were, but that's the saying. The guys always went there together and left together. They were tight, and I have pics of them from back then, and now as I look at them with the eyes of an adult and not just a daughter, I admit some if them, including my dad would have had me going for a second glance. My dad's friend Artie was downright HOT!!! Bwahaha I love hearing these stories, and its only recently that my dad had been telling me. I think he misses those days and I can't blame him! He was young, handsome and single. How does that saying go? The World Was His Oyster! I don't get the connection really, although I understand the implication.
Ugh!! Just after 5am, oh here comes the cat. She sees me up so of course she is now by my side nudging me to pet her. She's what I like to call a "dog" cat! She is not the cold type of cat that doesn't like people, she's a big ole mush. She is getting fat and since she's been altered, she has that tummy hang, come to think of it, kind if like me! ;-D If you have seen the 3rd Shrek movie you know what I mean, although she can still clean her own back but she wobbles back and forth when she does. She will sometimes sit on the bed too close to the edge and will wobble herself right off and onto the floor and gets the most indignant look on her face. It's quite amusing!
Methinks I shall shut up now as hubs alarm will be going off soon and I'm going to do my morning IV soon. I need tea, yes a nice hot cuppa!! Lol. So until next time peeps I will say -Ciao For Now
So 2013 is now officially here, and I do have plans for this year. England is one of them. The biggest!! What sucks is that I'm not going to be able to get tickets until February, as I need to keep the bank account padded for hospital bills, but I WILL get them. I don't make resolutions, I think that when you want to make changes to any part of yourself, or surroundings, you do it! No need to wait for a special day. That is a cop out, and allows you to be "bad" for a few more days before you set your changes in motion. Mine if course will always be weight, but I came to terms with that long back. I will say if any good came out if this illness, I have lost about 10 pounds. Now some may come back once I start eating regular, but it should mainly stay off. I'm not very hungry, since the meds make me nauseated more times than not. Plus I'm not doing anything!!! I actually said to the Hubs tonight that I so want to go for a walk! My legs are getting weak from non use, it's amazing how you can tell! So I suppose my "resolution" will be making the most of my gym membership this year.
I was talking to Dad yesterday, wishing him a Happy New Year, and he was so cute. Telling me that he got a few kisses from his lady friend. He loves telling me and I think it's cute, I love teasing him that he's a silver stud and it's so good to hear him laugh! Of course there is another part of me that is totally grossed out at the thought of him in any amorous form, BUT, I had to get it from somewhere! Who knew!? He was telling me stories of how he and his group of friends ( all but 2 are now gone but he's known them over 75 years!!) would go to the dances at the youth centers and clubs in Manhattan, all dressed in suits and they would find a table of girls and ask them to join them. My Dad told me that his good friend Jack (still breathing lol) had kind of liked this one girl but she kept talking to my Dad. Jack got annoyed at told my Dad to back off and my Dad was like "hey, she's talking to me, I didn't start it. He said that Jack got over it fast. Bros before hoes as the saying goes, NOT that these girls were, but that's the saying. The guys always went there together and left together. They were tight, and I have pics of them from back then, and now as I look at them with the eyes of an adult and not just a daughter, I admit some if them, including my dad would have had me going for a second glance. My dad's friend Artie was downright HOT!!! Bwahaha I love hearing these stories, and its only recently that my dad had been telling me. I think he misses those days and I can't blame him! He was young, handsome and single. How does that saying go? The World Was His Oyster! I don't get the connection really, although I understand the implication.
Ugh!! Just after 5am, oh here comes the cat. She sees me up so of course she is now by my side nudging me to pet her. She's what I like to call a "dog" cat! She is not the cold type of cat that doesn't like people, she's a big ole mush. She is getting fat and since she's been altered, she has that tummy hang, come to think of it, kind if like me! ;-D If you have seen the 3rd Shrek movie you know what I mean, although she can still clean her own back but she wobbles back and forth when she does. She will sometimes sit on the bed too close to the edge and will wobble herself right off and onto the floor and gets the most indignant look on her face. It's quite amusing!
Methinks I shall shut up now as hubs alarm will be going off soon and I'm going to do my morning IV soon. I need tea, yes a nice hot cuppa!! Lol. So until next time peeps I will say -Ciao For Now
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